Example sentences of "say [pron] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I beg you , say nothing of this to anyone . ’
2 The brief memories written for R. L. Watson in the late 1940s by the poet 's second and third brothers say nothing about this period .
3 Go now , and say nothing about this . ’
4 They say something like this : ‘ Here you are , a cultured person , you know and understand the meaning of this ancient monument .
5 Why not come out arid say it in this day and age , she muttered to herself as she dialled the number .
6 when you say it like this .
7 Then truly he was afraid , for his small grey friend had said nothing of this narrow little place , and he thought if he put his head in he might never come out alive .
8 She has said nothing of this to me , and as her father I really ought to know , I think , what she , and you , propose to do , even if in the modern fashion you do not choose to ask me for my blessing . ’
9 But Foggerty says something like this might do him a lot of good .
10 Elizabeth 's friend Maud must have said something of this sort , for I find I once wrote to her : ‘ Maud was right , I think .
11 Had not Lady Lavinia said something of this ?
12 He 'd said something to this lady and under normal circumstances he would not a she would n't have said anything
13 ‘ You should have said something before this .
14 Laura 's problem was that she had not enough to do — no children , though she had n't said anything about this recently — and his heart smote him because he had undertaken to make her happy , and had n't .
15 My husband works for a bus company but he has n't said anything about this .
16 Nobody had said anything like this to Kit all day .
17 Wh what , well , I , I would n't say just looking similar , I would say additionally looking , but , but in the , in the early days the erm , and I 'll be saying something about this in the , in the lectures , bu but just briefly , that you could you could say there were phases in psychoanalysis , the early days , before both of us were born you were here , the , the aim when the method was , the aim was to release the unconscious , bring it to the surface , and that was regarded as more or less enough .
18 I imagined God saying something like this : ‘ So you are going to sort him out , are you ?
19 So on this summer 's evening , to an expectant and full congregation , we hear him saying something like this :
20 He was , of course , touching a nerve deep within the Russian psyche , but he was saying something like this , that ‘ if Christ is risen , every argument for atheism is flawed ’ .
21 Not just patching up the old broken down life and saying something like this , from now onwards I 'm gon na go to church , I 'm gon na read my bi , I 'm gon na be a Christian !
22 Erm and er what I would like to see , and I 've long wanted to see this coming out of the church , is a rite of passage that I with integrity can offer to any parents who come to me with a , a , a lovely little baby in their arms saying to me parish minister can you give us something that would satisfy us , and they 're not saying it like this , but they want a rite of passage .
23 I explained about the green box , but said nothing about this notebook .
24 Gregory 's Pastoral Care said nothing about this aspect of a bishop 's work for the good reason that jurisdictions such as that claimed by Canterbury did not exist in his day .
25 Pinkie said nothing about this because he was dazed by gin , and was not paying , and Richard said nothing because , after a little thought , he concluded that the wine was good enough for Pinkie .
26 So I said nothing to this conductor , just wrote down his staff number .
27 Anwar said nothing to this , but dismay , confusion and anger passed over his face .
28 She said nothing to this but continued to stand in the doorway .
29 Jenny said nothing to this and they sat silent in the darkening room .
30 Sarah had told Anne that her grandmother 's lodger Josh Adamson had died of a heart attack at the start of the raid , but they said nothing of this to Julia nor of the casualty lists which were posted up containing many names of people they knew .
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