Example sentences of "say [adv] that his " in BNC.

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1 The Bishop says gently that his path simply does not cross those of the diocese 's landed families .
2 The governor of the central bank , a friend of parliament , says brazenly that his all-important promise to rein in credit was a trick to show that Mr Yeltsin 's austerity measures were impossible .
3 He says simply that his civil servants work extremely hard .
4 Is the Prime Minister aware that doctors working in the health service have said today that his promise to cut waiting lists to two years can be achieved only if desperately ill patients sacrifice their beds to less serious cases who have waited longer ?
5 However the author got through 3182 lines without mentioning Christ , or salvation , and yet without saying specifically that his heroes , including the kind and honest figure of Beowulf himself , were damned — though he must have known that historically and in reality they were all pagans , ignorant even of the name of Christ .
6 Maximilian said grimly that his special interest was humor , and Jo-Ann said that her topic in the thesis had been the theme of male chauvinism in Edward 's published legal opinions .
7 Paolo Guidi , president of Sprint International , said only that his company makes ‘ partnerships with people ’ , and Randall Tobias , chairman of AT&T International , said , ‘ I wo n't put constraints on what we might do .
8 Last week , SCO 's European business development manager , Steve Spill , was able to say only that his company 's Open Desktop port to MIPS/ACE is ‘ continuing as of today , but we 'll be looking closely when the Intel P5 [ 80586 ] is launched . ’
9 GLENN McCRORY , the 25-year-old British cruiserweight who defends his IBF title against the South African Siza Makhatini in Middlesbrough on 21 October , said yesterday that his long-term target is still to challenge Mike Tyson , who he used to spar with .
10 LAURENT FIGNON said yesterday that his three-month suspension for failing a dope test was lenient .
11 MONTERREY — Luis Cano , publisher of the Colombian daily , El Espectador , said yesterday that his newspaper would continue operations in Medellin despite threats from drug barons and the murder of two of its employees there , Reuter reports .
12 Now 57 , Sir William said yesterday that his background was ‘ academic through and through . ’
13 Mr Dobbs said yesterday that his novel dealt ‘ very heavily ’ with a Royal family .
14 Inspector Reg White , of Holloway Police , said yesterday that his force , which was in charge of the drawn Portsmouth-Liverpool semi-final the Sunday before last , would have been happy to stage another replay at two or three days notice provided that certain financial requirements were met .
15 Company chief David Ellwood said yesterday that his firm made nooses for British hangmen until 1964 — but had now dropped the trade .
16 SPURS chairman Alan Sugar said yesterday that his family had been terrified by the hate campaign surrounding his legal battle with Terry Venables .
17 Mr McTear 's solicitor , Cameron Fyfe , said yesterday that his client 's doctor had been called after Mr McTear , who is very weak and has difficulty breathing , became unwell during cross-examination .
18 Mr Guest said later that his modest estimate of the expenses was £5,500 .
19 Carried away by his own eloquence , he said blithely that his father would surely prefer him to be married .
20 The Lord Mayor of Dublin , Gay Mitchell , said today that his office was informed that the Nobel Prize winner , renowned for her work with the poor , will travel to Dublin next month .
21 PLO chairman Yasser Arafat said today that his mainstream Fatah faction approved a self-rule deal with Israel and mutual recognition could be only days away .
22 Lord Donaldson said afterwards that his proposal would not lead to a downgrading of justice .
23 Mr Taylor , who has only six cattle , was clearly delighted with his triumph and he said afterwards that his ambition was to go on to win the Aberdeen Fatstock Show at the end of this year .
24 He declined to give details on the machine and Chen would say only that his new system is not the design that Cray Research Inc rejected , leading to Chen quitting Cray to start his own company .
25 As for Mr Gandhi , he does say occasionally that his government reduced poverty , but does not press the point .
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