Example sentences of "say [that] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 I can now speak from experience and say that it 's much easier to spend a day at the office than it is to spend a day at home , and you have the benefit of spending ‘ quality time ’ with your baby at evenings and weekends .
2 You make everything sound rosy , then you say that it 's awful .
3 British Rail say that it 's getting there , but in which direction , I wonder ?
4 I must be absolutely honest though and say that it 's not always going to be easy to try to live for Jesus at school .
5 They say that it 's OK not to want sex just after your child is born .
6 They say that it 's easy to denigrate but when you hate as much as JOHN BITUMEN the problem is one of selection .
7 Say that it 's quite nippy , and jolly safe when overtaking .
8 Erm I know one of the erm one of Bernard 's colleagues doe say that it 's erm it 's I suppose it depends on your individual circumstances .
9 And you say that it 's it 's since he 's co it 's the since he 's come
10 ‘ You say that it 's July , nineteen forty .
11 I said And I always say that it 's the Orcad
12 I think it would only become an event if parish councils do something which people took exception to and say that it 's
13 well , when I say that it 's the best opportunity for peace I 've seen in twenty years .
14 They put a drug on the market and they say that it 's wonderful and that the side effects are irrelevant and very slight and that everybody 's gon na be very happy and it 's a new wonder drug and it 'll change the world and is n't that marvellous .
15 On the one hand we have the hunting fraternity saying that because they rarely catch and kill foxes , some say a two to three percent efficiency rate , er that it 's not cruel yet on the other hand , they say that it 's the most efficient and humane way to control the fox population .
16 They say that it 's good news … there 's going to be some celebrating tonight !
17 His parents say that it 's a tribute to their son 's popularity .
18 BT say that it 's offered Mr Lihou a one off payment of £5,000 , but does n't admit any liability for what happened .
19 They say that it 's the poor that helps the poor and that 's how I 've found it goes quite honestly .
20 I go down and say that it 's not good enough .
21 The debate will take place today and tomorrow behind closed doors , but party insiders say that it is very unlikely that Mr Mugabe will face serious opposition .
22 Senior commission officials say that it is up to national governments to get a move on .
23 I would prefer , at the risk of offending the purists , to take a robust attitude , and simply say that it is a decision made at a particular time in response to a particular situation against a particular political background , and is poor material on which to build any general proposition .
24 Of course you might want to take a very purist line and say that it is bad manners to remind others of their bad manners .
25 Some say that it is because the church has neglected , in almost every generation , to create a true fellowship in Christ that we are faced with modern freemasonry or , more recently , acid house or the New Age groups .
26 ‘ I speak on behalf of the Labour Party when I say that it is not , and never has been , the duty or responsibility of either a local or education authority to promote homosexuality ...
27 If people say that it is wrong that teachers should be allowed , even encouraged , to tell pupils that it is acceptable to live in a household in a particular form of sexual relationship , that goes beyond what is a proper and a responsible training for life in society . ’
28 Critics of multimedia say that it is a solution looking for a problem , but during the past few years it has delivered many useful applications , some of them in the financial sector .
29 I have suggested that singing is a good analogy for the discovery and use of the light principle ; I would go one step further and say that it is a literal example of this process .
30 Cool waxing is said to be quickest , but advocates of hot wax say that it is much more efficient .
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