Example sentences of "say [that] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Health Authority says that it simply has no extra cash from its £136 million budget .
2 He says that it probably pre-dates the church by 1,000 years .
3 IBM says that it already has a prototype of the latter running in its Hursley Park facility and that the two companies ‘ will move very quickly ’ to bring the product to market .
4 The Home Office says that it already pays fifty one percent of the cost of policing the royals , but if the county council can adequately demonstrate that it needs more then funds are available .
5 He says that it just would n't be right to close it , it 's for the people of Cheltenham .
6 Gloucester City Council says that it usually responds straight away to requests to repair smoke alarms in it 's properties , but an investigation has now been launched to see if there 's been a break down in communications .
7 StorageTek says that it too had put some money up for the development and would have marketed the product even without buying the company — although the Viking was seen as a direct competitor to its own Iceberg , Viking is in fact a simpler device with fewer features .
8 He says that it never occured to him to apply for planning permission .
9 He says that it never occured to him to apply for planning permission .
10 Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH says that it now expects its subscriber base to reach 200,000 next month , ahead of plan , but still expects the level to be between 300,000 and 350,000 by year-end ; it is still looking for profits in 1994-95 .
11 The Dounreay nuclear plant , the largest nearby industrial commercial operation , has said that it only discharged 1.8 kilograms of cadmium over 10 months last year .
12 In July the company had said that it then expected 32,000 people to take redundancy this year , up from the 20,000 forecast at the beginning of the year : now it says it expects 40,000 to go , 8000 of them in Europe — of which the UK share is 600 , and 4,000 of them in Asia .
13 Specialix also admits the move to Unix System Labs ' Unix SVR4 has n't gone smoothly as planned , saying that it unexpectedly had to rewrite several device drivers for OEM versions .
14 From saying that a thing ought to belong to a man , that it ought to be used for his benefit , you come to saying that it actually is his , ‘ in equity ’ or ‘ in conscience ’ .
15 Nelson Mandela 's wife , Winnie angered the government by saying that it merely meant contemporary end to armed action and that the A N C reserved the right to reactivate its armed guerrillas at any time .
16 One might even argue that the monist , if he followed the logic of his position , would not be able to discuss language at all : if meaning is inseparable from form , one can not discuss meaning except by repeating the very words in which it is expressed , and one can not discuss form except by saying that it appropriately expresses its own meaning .
17 Timothy Hutton was looking uncomfortable and McLeish said that it just seemed a lot to him .
18 It said that it simply could n't foresee the day when revenues from licensing ANDF , to its principal members for starters , would start to pay for the cost of development .
19 His department said that it only kept records of strikes lasting more than three days and involving more than 100 people .
20 On Nov. 7 the newly elected Moderator of the Dutch Reformed Church , Pieter Potgieter , confessed his church 's guilt at the role it had played in establishing apartheid and said that it now considered that policy to be wrong .
21 Formed in 1960 as a national liberation movement , SWAPO led the struggle against colonial rule , and in April 1990 Nujoma said that it now faced the challenge of transformation into a political party , geared to political campaigning and fighting elections .
22 She said that it never occurred to her or her husband that her village would be harmed or its people endangered .
23 He was however er reasonably clear as to the speed at which local authorities tend to deal with these matters , he said that it always takes a long time and getting any answer out of the local authority might well take somewhere between six months and up to two years , he thought that perhaps eighteen months was a reasonable guess before he would actually manage to get somebody if Paul were to move as er , it maybe well occur to here or a different local authority then of course the application would just go back to square one and that would lead to more delay .
24 I have to say that it rather reminded me of own early work . ’
25 Not only was literacy not necessarily recognised as more ‘ reliable ’ , but we would be bound to say that it really was not more reliable .
26 I take that as part of the Labour party 's approach to defence procurement , which is to tick off each individual project , factory or programme whenever it comes before the House and to say that it fully endorses it .
27 erm Undoubtedly the university erm with it 's connections with the aristocracy and the landed gentry and the church was mainly royalist , but that is not to say that it all was .
28 It has been argued by some that training plays no part in refining the skills of headship which can only be learned through experience ; presumably the proponents of this view would say that it also applies to officers .
29 Its proponents would say that it already deserves it , on the basis that the space station , though big , is not really science .
30 When they changed the deep litter did it erm I 've heard folks say that it actually affected the hens that they that they went cannibal and
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