Example sentences of "say [that] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Some say that hunting in old burned-over sites when the oak leaves first appear is a good and fruitful strategy , but others insist that morels are best collected in old apple orchards at the time when the lilacs bloom .
2 But while the government does nothing , the campaigners say that childcare in Britain will continue to lag behind the rest of Europe
3 Compaq Computer Corp took the lead in the European portable personal computer market in the first quarter of 1993 according to Dataquest figures which give Compaq 22% by value and 17.5% by volume , and the manufacturer says that shipments in the period were up 89% on the first quarter of 1992 , growing four times the rate of the market , which expanded 21% — and those figures reveal the reason that Dell Computer Corp has stumbled badly in laptops and notebooks : buyers are going for the higher cost 80486-based machines that abound in Compaq 's line , while Dell 's product emphasises low-price 80386SX-based machines .
4 Hall says that mutations in the genetic code of some bacteria occur more often when they are useful than when they are not .
5 The well-travelled Field — he has also worked in Melbourne on Papua New Guinea exploration , San Francisco where he headed geological services for BP-Alaska , Sunbury , London and Aberdeen — says that life in Luanda can be ‘ difficult ’ .
6 Goldring says that teachers in 34 states tried Choices and found that the unit answered many students ' needs to discuss their fears about nuclear annihilation .
7 He says that smokers in central Europe and the former Soviet Union are crazy about Lucky Strike , Kent , Pall Mall and Hollywood .
8 The IITP says that interest in the exam has been ‘ enormous ’ .
9 Trounson , who helped to pioneer techniques for freezing the embryos of cattle while working in Britain during the 1970s , says that research in sheep , mice and cattle indicates that vital factors in effective freezing include the chemical composition and the physical size of the embryonic cells .
10 Section 17 says that property in specific goods passes to the buyer at such time as the parties intend it to be transferred .
11 Gestetner made pre-tax profits of £27.2m last year on sales of £900.3m , but the company has since said that trading in Europe has deteriorated and that it sees only a small profit for the half to end-April.Inchcape is buying the shares from Bermudan-registered Chiltern Capital Ltd , quoted in Australia .
12 We have said that depreciation in business can perform the function of maintaining capital .
13 It is sometimes said that rules in the last two categories ‘ lack the force of law ’ , that is , they are not enforceable in a court .
14 It must in the first place be said that women in the past were not for example doctors or politicians , so it is hardly surprising that they should not have held public office in the church .
15 I 've already said that women in work , that 's where they 're losing out .
16 A FORMER mayor of Craigavon has said that security in Northern Ireland needs to be stepped up .
17 The difference between the evangelicals and the others is so great that it can almost be said that growth in the diocese as a whole is restricted to evangelical parishes .
18 As Christian doctrine developed , and it was said that God in Christ took on humanity , in both Greek and Latin the inclusive term for humanity was used , not that specifically for a male human being .
19 Now if it could be said that God in Christ took on specifically ‘ male humanity ’ , then women would be outside the scheme of salvation — and that has never been suggested .
20 Even if we take patristic Christology , in which it is said that God in Christ took on humanity in which we all participate , it is still the case that that human nature was the human nature of a male human being .
21 My hon. Friend the Member for Southwark and Bermondsey ( Mr. Hughes ) has already said that people in central London on relatively low incomes may live in high-value houses .
22 Saying that Americans are obsessed with spectator sport is a bit like saying that life in Japan is bliss : something that is more true for men than for women .
23 Gregory claims that it was the king who insisted that the consecration should be held at Metz , out of affection for the candidate , but this may be a euphemism for saying that consecration in Clermont was too dangerous .
24 Moreover , although the Rules sprang from this conflict , they did not in terms go further than saying that persons in custody should not be questioned without first being cautioned .
25 Later , German Defence Minister Gerhard Stoltenberg was quoted as saying that changes in NATO force structures were linked to the strengthening of Europe 's role in the alliance .
26 We were saying that Ron in number four he was a builder .
27 They found that the worst abuses had been committed at the notorious Quatro " rehabilitation centre " in Angola but also said that conditions in other ANC camps in Angola , Tanzania , Uganda and Zambia had in no way been " remotely acceptable " .
28 In a separate appeal issued on the same day to the Lithuanian people Gorbachev said that developments in their republic were causing " extreme concern and bewilderment " throughout the Soviet Union , and that people were calling on the Soviet government to use " economic , political and administrative measures " to defend the USSR Constitution and the country 's integrity .
29 In a nationally televised speech , Bush said that developments in the Soviet Union had made it possible for the United States unilaterally to " take steps to make the world a less dangerous place than ever before in the nuclear age " .
30 Erm quite rightly the director said that predictions in terms of residential admissions and nursing home admissions would be easier to make this year than last year and I accept it was very difficult then year but I 'd just like to know how close the actual outcome is likely to be to the original prediction , really for information , not because I think you could have got it any closer than did but it would be just interesting to know what the s the gap was .
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