Example sentences of "say [subord] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 He 's stuck with that girl I say cos I mean she 's a lot older than he is , but they 're stuck together yeah , cos Carol must be near my age
2 I simply ask you to listen , and not to judge what I say until I have finished . ’
3 But you 've got ta tell me which is the best season , say if I wann it to flower !
4 But as far as aim is with , on a typical day , say if I get out of the depot at quarter to nine , if you like , and look at today 's string , I go to Derby .
5 But I , I say if I get sh publicity I er if I say do , if I say cos we have n't got a premium lager on draft so if I stick Stella on draught
6 Yeah I know but if I have , say if I have six lines
7 Well , like I say if I want to bring my family , I 've got to pay five pound which
8 And you , my friends , show me your will , and say if I do well . ’
9 if I say if I say three
10 ‘ People say because I have a wife and baby I 'm not committed as before do n't believe them ’
11 I says I 'm gon na stop with me father and they said well , we 're sorry to lose you but we know this trade 's know good to you and we hope that you 'll stay with your dad and , well I did , I stayed with me dad until , as I say after I come out of the army and they would n't let me increase me coal trade .
12 ‘ Listen , ’ I say as I creak to my feet , ‘ can I help with the washing up or something ? ’
13 You say as I understand it that er the possible er use of this land as a strategic reserve is not the main reason er for excluding it from the greenbelt .
14 And as I say as I say I do n't ken how long it had been there but that see that likely about the same time as the as the mill was heightened and er the kiln would 've been putting on .
15 and it jerked me , but she said it 's a muscle been pulled and it 's , it keeps spasm so she said er , could of been nasty , said I dare n't tell him , cos I says if I tell him it was his fault , I says he 'll never give me another ride , it 's again Thursday night coming back , and his car , you know the car kept , bump , bump , bump , bump , bump
16 I would feel very happy that there was an under , under provision if I , if I refer to the agenda item twelve , where it says if I read it right that there is twenty three point six percent industrial floor space unoccupied at present and I would have thought it was crazy to start er erm coming up and building even more cos it will just put that figure up will it not ?
17 Mother says if I do n't get a move on the line will die out . ’
18 Says if I move the window he 'll be able to see what it is and avoid it . ’
19 He he has said if I do go for maintenance he 'll deny that Ricky 's his .
20 Chairman erm I know from my own experience elsewhere that er car boot sales are a cause of great concern and I , I wo n't repeat what various other small local firms have said because I agree with all their comments .
21 Anyway I 'm not saying a word to him , I 'm gon na wait and see if and what he says because I say it 's making me angry .
22 Erm but you see , I mean I can only erm believe what she says because I have no other proof .
23 ‘ It was a relief , ’ Ali says before I have a chance to ask .
24 Because he had the right attitude , he did n't quibble , he did n't moan he did n't criticize , he just got on with the job , and is n't that a little area that we can all work on somewhere , it comes down to that little bit of territory even , does n't it , if we 're given in the ministry and we say oh not there again , I worked that last time , I know that person in that house they 're all working , called on them and when they , I just do n't get , I just do n't get on with them , they 're not me at all , you see , we , we can go on and on in all kinds of areas ca n't we in the truth , but what an attitude to have and I thought this was a lovely expression here , look , erm , on page twenty seven , just about a third of the way down on the right hand side , he says as I have opportunity , I encourage new ones at that , that would take advantage of all privileged service , they 're given , and to learn to be content , and happy with it and just in the next paragraph at the end he says be happy and content in your present circumstances and blossom in a spiritual way in the soil where you are planted is n't that a lo a lovely expression , does n't that show a man who is spiritually alive and alert and awake , and is n't that how we should be , would n't the congregation flow and move along forward , so much better and more unitedly if we all have that lovely attitude that Jehovah service , no matter what it is , we ca n't all be public speakers , we ca n't all be giving a public talk at the district assembly can we ?
25 She says as I say I 'll have to wait and see what she says , because she said , you know when weather gets better , oh I says you 're better off waiting while it gets better weather
26 Then he says when I get back , ‘ What 's all this ? ’
27 All he ever says when I go and see him is , why do have to wear all that stuff on your face , why ca n't you be natural ? ’
28 He says when I go home tonight I want to be able to have water from my taps — and I want my children and my grand-children to have the water they need to live .
29 She says when I leave school I have to go out and get a job for at least three years before I even think of Entering . ’
30 ( ‘ The first assistant director , ’ he says when I query his qualifications for the role , ‘ just had to shout at the second assistant director . ’ )
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