Example sentences of "say [prep] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 He presented the first edition of What the Papers Say for Granada in 1956 , going on to present 160 programmes .
2 If men firmly reject the saving work of God in Jesus , they forfeit the very possibility of rescue , not because God will not have them , but because they say like Satan in Paradise Lost , ‘ Darkness , be thou my light . ’
3 As for the Blue Skies criteria , we may imagine that a better understanding of photosynthesis either may lead to , say , better synthetic devices ; or to new insights into control engineering , leading say to advances in the control of complex fermentation processes .
4 Much that he says about divisions in the human psyche is reflected in pale form in the Hindu sacred books of the Upanishads ( which is hardly surprising , since White Face claims that all the world 's knowledge of itself emanated from the ‘ Other Side ’ during the ice age before last , when Other Siders went out like missionaries over the globe , reaching as far as Hindustan ) .
5 The same can not be said about languages in which the predicator frequently comes at the beginning of the clause and therefore represents an unmarked — or at least less marked — thematic choice .
6 Similarly , the recognition that what is said about Jesus in the New Testament is the expression of faith in him , and that this side of the matter , though not the only one , can not be left out of account , has also become a basic axiom of much modern New Testament study .
7 There is little to be said about music in the Roman Catholic Church in this country until the 1960s and the Second Vatican Council .
8 What we have said about modulations in major keys can easily be applied to minor keys , with a little common sense .
9 ‘ You ai n't really down , between the ages of 13 , 14 , 15 , you 're not really down less you know how to shoot a gun , ’ he says of life in South Central LA .
10 The same can be said of literature in the broader field of gender and science , where there is much which is of interest to mathematics educators .
11 In Eliot 's view , the circumstances have changed so greatly over thirty years since 1924 that what was rightly said of Milton in that year can not rightly be said of him in 1954 .
12 At the beginning of the 37th general congregation Archbishop Felici announced an alteration in the rules governing secrecy : from now on it was permissible to reveal what was said in debates in the Council , though discussion in commissions was still to be kept from journalists .
13 Roth says to Levi in the course of the interview embodied in his article : ‘ Your other books are perhaps less ‘ imaginary ’ as to subject-matter but strike me as more imaginative in technique .
14 ‘ There are not many people in Wimbledon who have your qualifications , ’ Mr Malik had said to Robert in the pub .
15 It was performed at the festival of Dionysus in Athens and is said by Aristotle in his Poetics ( c. 330 B.C. ) to have originated in the Dionysiac dithyramb .
16 Mr Scargill is said by sources in the National Union of Mineworkers to be putting his name forward for the Barnsley West and Penistone constituency .
17 Sometimes they are supposed to be said by characters in the illustrations , but there is nothing to indicate who is speaking .
18 From there he was said by officials in Mogadishu on Nov. 8 to have sent letters to a number of countries and relief organizations explaining Somalia 's needs for emergency aid and calling upon " the international community and the Moslem world to extend humanitarian aid " .
19 Er now you were saying about crime in the area .
20 ZANA reported him as saying on arrival in Lusaka that his fight was with Mr Heath only , and that he wanted the people of Zambia to ‘ leave the British people here alone ’ .
21 I was saying to dad in bed last night Karen 's twenty three this year
22 Test the appropriateness : Does what is said fit in to what God is saying to others in the body ?
23 Cutting public relations actually means saying to people in this city , you have got less access to information from the council .
24 To consider whether Freud overestimated the importance of sex in human psychology it is necessary to consider exactly what Freud said about sex in human psychology .
25 Do you know what Nabokov said about adultery in his lecture on Madame Bovary ?
26 Of course there is , there is the possibility , there is definitely going to be a reorganization , we sha n't have the same sort of input I do n't think , we sha n't be allowed to have the same sort of input in a totally undemocratic er , er , authority that 's going to be there where the , the governments will er , put er , most of the people on board , where the Home Secretary will decide on the Chairman , er , we do n't know what the government regulations are going to say about balances in terms for the new authority .
27 I shall have more to say about examinations in Chapter 3 , but the age-related test proposal is the worst of all proposals .
28 J. C. Schetky who describes himself as marine painter in ordinary to Her Majesty has little good to say about Islay in " Sketches of notes of a Cruise in Scotch Waters on board His Grace the Duke of Rutland 's Yacht Resolution in the Summer of 1848 . "
29 J. C. Schetky who describes himself as marine painter in ordinary to Her Majesty has little good to say about Islay in " Sketches of notes of a Cruise in Scotch Waters on board His Grace the Duke of Rutland 's Yacht Resolution in the Summer of 1848 . "
30 The girls to say about women in particular .
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