Example sentences of "will not be done " in BNC.

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1 Obviously it 'll not be done for the launch but he 's made a smart job of it it looks really smart done it in yellow , erm and really later on this week I 'm just tidying up , I 've got to go and see F I B just to make sure everything 's in place with them in the mounted section and really this time a week tomorrow it 'll be launched .
2 This will not be done just by saying No to things .
3 Here in the social services , which , in volume of resources involved , represent between one-third and one-half of the activities of the state , the question , it seems to me , can not be posed by disconnected , spasmodic pluses and minuses but by presenting a broad and large conception of the manner in which resources ought to be redeployed to meet modern realities , and this will not be done without soberly assessing but boldly facing the in-built obstacles to that redeployment .
4 The Queen Mother took the reverse stoically , writing to Cazalet a few days after the Grand National : ‘ We will not be done in by this , and will just keep on trying . ’
5 We have a legal responsibility to administer the tests , but if that can not be done , it will not be done .
6 The danger in being too rigid is that justice will not be done to the flexibility and complexity of human performance .
7 In this respect my position will amount to thinking that there are intrinsically prescriptive features to reality , but this will not be done by blurring the distinction between judgements about how the world is characterised and the ways in which we respond to it , as with McDowell .
8 Often he is afraid that these jobs will not be done , or not done as well as he would do them .
9 This work will not be done in a vacuum , but for a problem that has existed for at least a lifetime a few more months of thought might lead to better outcomes , and ones that will be more readily accepted .
10 It will not be done behind anybody 's back , if you should veto it it falls , quite clearly I mean your masters , naturally .
11 Even if lexical information can be used to limit subsequent registrations , it will not be done on a word-by-word basis .
12 What will not be done , probably can not be done , is anything which will stop the snow , the rain , and a river equal to the Thames and the Severn combined trying to reclaim its natural course in time of flood .
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