Example sentences of "will only be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And there 'll only be blue left .
2 ( ‘ You 'll only be disappointed . ’
3 Knowing my luck I 'll only be able to afford a weekend break in Bognor Regis , especially as my measly wage has only gone up by fourpence in the last two years .
4 But they 'll only be able to do that when she 's hungry and she 's lost her appetite for freedom .
5 To take a particular instance , we have seen that the form of question with how ? is associated with predicate qualifiers but not with clausal adjectives , and also that the verb believe will only be compatible with the clausal adjective ; it follows that the second part of the exchange in ( 70 ) should be odd or ungrammatical , which is indeed so : ( 70 ) LECTURER : The Venetians believed their proposals generous … ( interrupted by sound of electric drill next door ) MEMBER OF AUDIENCE : * How did the Venetians believe the proposals ?
6 If an SSR refers to a number of modules but will only be applicable to some of them after approval , then a new SSR should be created referencing only those modules to which the report still applies .
7 The most important source of infection for the lamb crop is undoubtedly the increase in nematode eggs in ewe faeces during the PPR and prophylaxis will only be efficient if this is kept to a minimum .
8 Although such tests are not universally standard , and will only be capable of identifying certain types of mental handicap , they do introduce the possibility of the mother having an abortion to dispose of the mentally handicapped foetus .
9 Indeed I shall be arguing that the drama will only be effective when its inner structure is felt by the participants .
10 Promotional groups will only be effective when they can deliver the full support of their clientele .
11 This enhanced porosity will only be effective if there is either a considerable proportion of the mineral , or minerals , susceptible to dissolution , so forming a connection between isolated intragranular pore spaces , or if there is an existing intergranular porosity .
12 There has been new legislation introduced in the form of the European six pack and the cost regulations but this legislation will only be effective if it is enforced .
13 Section 8 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act provides that a clause in a contract which purports to exclude or restrict liability for misrepresentation will only be effective if it satisfies the requirement of reasonableness .
14 It may be that there is a special rule for reservation of title clauses : this is examined below ( Chapter 10 ) but subject to that possible exception , once a contract has been made , its terms can only be altered or supplemented by a variation , and such variation will only be effective if it is supported by consideration .
15 However , it seems that such a provision can not be a contractual promise , and will only be effective if it gives rise to an estoppel ; it therefore will not exclude the implied term of fitness for purpose unless the seller believes it and relies on it ( Lowe v Lombank [ 1960 ] 1 All ER 611 ) .
16 We can conclude that an increase in national income will only be equivalent to an increase in real output per capita if both prices and the population remain unchanged .
17 Indeed , if this metaprogram view has any substance to it then it follows that the true potential of hypertext will only be apparent when computer scientists have discovered much more about the fundamental nature of programs and programming .
18 Nothing less than a script will do because so many of the key visual elements will only be apparent through the dialogue .
19 But I fear she — and it usually is a she — will only be disappointed by what Mr Davy has to offer .
20 A good advertising campaign will increase sales , but if the products themselves are of poor quality the improvement will only be temporary .
21 Hopefully this lack of competitors will only be temporary for there is really no substitute for racing between the hedges .
22 The process will only be complete when the national executive endorses the candidate .
23 In the story of Aladdin , his beloved is told that the wonderful palace he has got the genie of the lamp to build for her will only be complete if a roc 's egg is suspended from the dome , DC 3 .
24 Instead , place your fingers on each note in the order that you intend to pick them ; in other words , the full voicing of each chord will only be complete as you play the final , highest note .
25 The funding will only be visible for three years , as it gradually merges into the personal social services element of the revenue support grant .
26 After a transitional period of three years from 1 January 1992 , such companies will only be operable as part of a solicitors ' incorporated practice .
27 The two will only be equal : ( a ) if wages and prices are such that firms plan to produce what is currently being produced ; and ( b ) if firms are able to implement their production plans successfully .
28 From graph ( c ) , however , we see that the transactions demand will only be equal to £30 million when national income is £45 million .
29 Steps cut into the patio or terrace are not difficult to construct if the ground is firm , as it will only be necessary to cut the step shape into the hard earth .
30 When such a plan has been lodged it will only be necessary for a buyer to search against the plot he is buying on the appropriate form for a search of part ( Form 94B ) , indicating thereon the plot or flat number " as shown on the estate development plan lodged in the Registry on the " — no plan being then necessary as would be the case if no estate plan had been lodged .
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