Example sentences of "will say [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then she 'll open the curtains and look out to see what the weather 's like , and then she 'll say summat like ‘ How about a walk , Billy ? ’ or ‘ Jigsaw weather today , hen . ’
2 And you 'll say nothing of this .
3 If you turn this thing around and take me back , I promise I 'll say nothing of what has happened . ’
4 ‘ Now we 'll say nothing to the others about your little affair , ’ Sarah cautioned when Charlotte had left the room .
5 Agnes sighed , then bit on the front of her forefinger before she turned to Jessie again and said , ‘ Look ; if you 're so sure he 'll turn up , we 'll say nothing for the time being .
6 ‘ You 'll say nothing for the moment , ’ said Miss Thorne .
7 ‘ Ye do n't talk about the record and I 'll say nothing tae Doctor . ’
8 It 's just the works like a trade union thing , they sit down and the management 'll tell them , or the workforce 'll say what about this , that and the other
9 I 'll say something about you getting ‘ 21 ’ ( ? ) and ‘ Humphries ’ ironed on your shirt !
10 For example , he 'll say something like , ‘ Well , I would n't wan na spend the last two minutes of my life listening to that lick ! ’
11 I 'll say none of those because
12 You see at at you can walk around , go in a pub , have a drink , come out and nobody 'll say anything to you , there 's no trouble round there .
13 We 'll say it with flowers — that way we can do it all in one night .
14 Because I have on good information and I 'll say it for the first time on this programme , I intend to give this in my evidence tomorrow , that Rover intend to close not the south works first , but the north works first .
15 But you 'll say it like an accusation .
16 We 're going to now from first of all I 'll say it in order and then you can come up .
17 The government in Addis Ababa will say nothing about the situation , and the war is not reported by the state-run media .
18 I formed several theories about that call — all wrong , and I will say nothing about them .
19 ‘ You will say nothing to Miguel ? ’ he whispered .
20 Well , to hell with them , but I will say everything to the last word . ’
21 Frequently couples at their golden wedding celebration will say something to the effect of ‘ we made it a point never to go to bed angry ’ .
22 In the ensuing melee the victim will say something along the lines ‘ You .
23 A Druidic Priest who addresses the door politely can make a Fel test and , if successful , the door will say something along the lines of ‘ Well , I 'm not sure about this … ’ .
24 I hope that the Minister will say something about it this afternoon .
25 Each attribute will say something about the entity .
26 On the new LP it will say something like ‘ Free samples if someone uses it in a really creative way . ’
27 A woman will say something like , ‘ Oh look , he 's got a cute butt ’ and some geek standing next to her , sensing that his chance has come to make serious waves in the world of sexual politics , will whine , ‘ You would n't like that if I said that about a girl . ’
28 And he will say it in front of them .
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