Example sentences of "will need [to-vb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Right , and in virtually any agricultural supply response model , we 'll need to include time .
2 Even though you will probably normally use auto-focus , there will be times when you 'll need to use manual .
3 down here the fir , eighth year parents into the sixth of July and judging , working back from weeks that we 'll need to collect information it could bring you right back into the twelfth
4 And when you 're choosing your bag you 'll need to take account of what your metabolism is like — whether or not you 're a cold or a warm sleeper .
5 We 'll need to conserve heat , and the best way to do that is to share the sleeping-bag , ’ he pointed out with the sort of logic that was unbeatable .
6 everybody 's like a giggly virgin on their first date when you phone them up and ha ha ha I 'll need to get permission and have you spoken to and you know and we may need to talk and all I want you to do is come along for
7 ‘ We 'll need to get gas somewhere . ’
8 You 'll need to get agreement from everyone that if they end up in the minority they will bide by the majority decision .
9 If you mean ‘ pirate ’ , you can get lost , but if you want to analyse programs in order to get reset pokes , for example , you 'll need to learn machine code first .
10 You 'll need to tune string 6 down to D and then pick , pull-off and hammer-on with as much percussiveness as you can muster .
11 Friends will be in touch this afternoon and you 'll need to make time to accommodate them this evening .
12 You 'll need to travel light , with shorts , swimming gear , T-shirts and trainers and do n't forget the suncream as the sun can be very strong .
13 Well , also , we 'll need to have meeting during the week .
14 After this , however , the child will need to spend time in consultation with the teacher and classmates , defining precise areas for subsequent investigation .
15 You will need to use PipeDream to create the following CLI command file .
16 This relevance makes the material strongly motivating — here is an example of the way you will need to use English in a month 's time — and therefore the quality of the recording is less important than its immediate relevance .
17 Stewart ( 1989 ) argues that , despite the traditional subordinacy of the nurse to the doctor , nurse managers , for example , will need to demonstrate leadership not least in terms of acting as a role model for younger nurses and for maintaining morale .
18 Besides Windows you will need to install GEM and a GEM application on your PC 's hard disk .
19 The relief only applies to accommodation that is ‘ part of your main home ’ , so if you are thinking of creating a separate flatlet , you will need to take care that this qualifies and that it is not at risk of being assessed as a commercial let .
20 If the acquiring company refuses to provide , or is incapable of providing , clear instructions , if it refuses to accept and/or pay for the equipment or software , if it tampers with the programs , misuses them and allows employees to copy them freely , the supplier will need to take action .
21 Mental health professionals will need to take note of the view of the Court that it is important to explain why a doctor who already knows the patient does not provide one of the medical recommendations upon which a section 2 admission ( and also a s.3 admission ) may be founded .
22 The professional will need to take control and demonstrate how to set limits .
23 They will need to take account of meaning , of appropriateness to audience and purpose , and of structure — since , unlike and , some of the alternative connectives are not tied to the beginning of the sentence , e.g. :
24 We suggested earlier that leadership will need to take account of different situations and the different relations that leaders will have with others .
25 In order to achieve those objectives , an organisation will need to plan its activities : it will need to take account of factors internal to the organisation such as its assets , the qualities of the staff , the task to be achieved , etc. as well as environmental factors such as demand for services , government policies and so on .
26 Planners of the History curriculum will need to take account of contributions that History will be able to make to a whole range of aspects of learning , as well as recognise the possibilities for the delivery of elements of the History curriculum in other ways and through other subjects .
27 The planning will need to take account of the fact that the groups should come together at a later stage .
28 That Administration will need to control interest rates , exchange rates and budgetary policy .
29 After another two weeks the fry will be ready for newly hatched brine shrimp and you will need to conduct water changes every day , removing all uneaten food .
30 For the deaf and aphasic , they will need to employ pen and paper in addition to speech , and make more use of bodily and facial cues than might otherwise be necessary .
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