Example sentences of "will have [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 We became good friends and I remember his comments one day when we were discussing the ever-rising cost of living ; Lawren said , wrinkling that high forehead under the white mane of hair , ‘ This high cost of living worries me ; one of these days , if it continues to rise , I 'll have to dip into capital ! ’
2 You 'll have to go into a local hostel temporarily — but that 's only so they can check on a few things .
3 ‘ … and some time today I 'll have to go into the village .
4 If the worst comes to the worst , we 'll have to go into hard training . ’
5 Old Miss Mahoney had a little house in Tanner Road , but she had to go into hospital last week , and if she ever comes out , she 'll have to go into a home for old people .
6 We 'll have to go into setaside , which I 'm not keen on .
7 But I 'll have to go into town first .
8 He said , we 'll just have to leave it and , if it happens again we 'll have to go into it further , but it has n't happened again , so now it 's okay .
9 I 'll have to go into that little Auntie Pat 's Textiles or whatever it 's called in the afternoon .
10 You 'll have to go into the branch , but what , if I was your manager , I 'd say well what we 'll do , is keep on working and training , until it 's alright
11 Erm , well I do n't know Wendy , I 'll have to go into that when I , I do n't think they have , I do n't know that they have charged me for , well they 've certainly charged me for the new wiring .
12 I think that they 'll have to go in you 'll have to go into each area .
13 I 'll have to go into Poole
14 Anyway these are the basic considerations you 'll have to take into account when choosing your army .
15 ‘ Well , ’ said Ray Shepherd to his son , ‘ we 'll have to look into all this , wo n't we ? ’
16 ‘ I knew I could n't trust you , although you checked out OK on my instrumentation , I 'll have to look into that .
17 We 'll have to look into it to see if we ca n't manage it .
18 ‘ But I reckon they 'll have to get into the Premier League before they get the chance .
19 You 'll have to get into bed .
20 Erm , we are aware of a number of those take place and if necessary we 'll have to enter into discussions with the district councils er about and there is an element of give and take there .
21 ‘ He 'll have to come into the house and sober up before he 's fit to take the cart home .
22 By this stage the sap in the vine will have withdrawn into the roots .
23 After about 3 weeks , more of the larvae will have turned into pupae and some of them will have hatched into adults .
24 Today , the result of our labours was several long rows of planted saplings which , in ten years ' time , will have grown into a grove of pussy willows doing useful service as a screen for walkers .
25 They are catching up on Daedalus and he will have to go into strict training for a swifter sprint .
26 ‘ Someone will have to go into the photographic laboratory and steal some negatives .
27 On the other hand , the larger the quantity ordered , the more will have to go into stock as temporarily idle resources , also a costly business .
28 ‘ Some of what you have told us will have to go into a statement which you will be asked to sign .
29 You 've got a frown Sandra , on the notice board above the fridge it says this is to be included in next years record of achievement which I presume will have to go into yours as well after my year
30 Er , the honourable gentleman wondered whether we would ever have a truncated view again , certainly not under the ninety three legislation because that was a once off as a careful reading of the act will show , er but er we will erm and his honourable friend , the member for Perry Barns hoped er that er we would have no more reviews of European boundaries , I know because he was talking at P R but we will certainly have one new review of er er Euro constituency boundaries because as soon as the parliamentary boundaries are completed er we will have to go into a new review on that basis of all the European seats and of course the full enquiries will be held in the normal way for them .
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