Example sentences of "will be [art] few " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Hello Friday — just to let you know I 'll be a few seconds late with the tea ! ’
2 It 'll be a few weeks and several meetings before it has established an official position .
3 Of course , they 'll be a few exceptions to this price freeze — mostly those more old-fashioned suppliers like IBM and Hewlett-Packard who can still afford to drop their prices by a notch or two .
4 But let's see what she 'll be a few years hence .
5 I 'll give my share to your mother and you can tell her you bought it from me ; that way she 'll be content and you 'll be a few pounds better off .
6 Councillor Peter , Mrs Pat , Sir John , Mr Peter and Mrs and David apologize , they will be attending but they 'll be a few minutes late .
7 The only consolation is that there 'll be a few thousand others there as well .
8 It 'll be a few days before the 70 year old grand dame of the railways moves under her own steam , first there are boiler inspections and checks to prove she can clear every bridge on the Toddington track .
9 I says there 'll be a few more I do n't want to either , alright ?
10 And there 'll be a few showers coming along in the afternoon and there 'll be plenty of sunshine about and it should feel reasonably pleasant with temperatures around nine Celsius , forty eight Fahrenheit .
11 If there 's a vacuum , then there 'll be a few charlatans , a few fools , a few incompetents who will fill that vacuum , because there is a need for people to , to be instant experts on everything .
12 There will be a few moist eyes at Old Trafford if Fergie finds himself in dreamland again tonight , in what will surely be his last appearance in Britain .
13 There will be a few people , beginning with Mr Fallon , looking for their own McGoolies when this is over . ’
14 ‘ There will be a few candidates for doing the same thing in this part of the world if he gets away with it , ’ one Welsh international said , ‘ and I for one will be very interested to see how it develops .
15 The broker is still recommending the chemicals giant as the ‘ perfect election heldge ’ — if the Tories get in , the big blue chips can not fail to attract support ; if Labour prospers , well , at least there will be a few capital allowances washing around and , in the words of one dealer , ‘ fund managers will have to buy something on Friday morning ’ .
16 When you have noted the area where the bream cease to roll and do not appear again in the immediate vicinity , the terminal point will be a few yards further along in the direction they were travelling .
17 ‘ We just hope there will be a few more in the future — but who knows . ’
18 Nevertheless , it 's a big move for a young girl and no doubt there will be a few family tears at the airport come June 21st .
19 It will be a few weeks and several meetings before it has established an official position .
20 As the ‘ laar ’ ( breath ) of wind is from the south east , I head slowly up the western shore , knowing that , with the ebbing tide , there will be a few seals hauled out on the rocks .
21 There will be a few multiples but only because they are finished works which exist essentially in that form .
22 There will be a few tools needed which wo n't be in your standard tool kit , and the hire of a number of semi-industrial tools will make work that much easier .
23 For each of these properties , there will be a few clusters which can be assigned average characteristics .
24 Similarly , there will be a few significant clusters of wing shape .
25 Finally , there will be a few situations in which local authorities have been almost entirely the innovators , in which they have sought to promote local acts through Parliament or in which they have interpreted general powers given to them in quite novel ways .
26 The most that he can promise it will be a few snatched hours on the back seat in a quiet place somewhere .
27 There will be a few overcast or windless days when the batteries will not be adequately recharged and a traditional generator will have to be called upon , but in the time they are charging , wind generators and solar panels will easily pay for themselves in saved fuel costs .
28 ‘ It will be a few years , ’ they said , ‘ before we know that you 're really all right . ’
29 What will be a few minutes of footage on the screen took all day to film .
30 There will be a few large firms in the industry .
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