Example sentences of "will [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 In the new domains such as foreign policy , the commission will for the first time have a right to propose .
2 Since citizens of all colours will for the first time be allowed to vote together , it will produce a legislature dominated by blacks .
3 That , in itself , will be an important step forward , but perhaps even more important is the fact that , because of the change , there will for the first time be a proper appeals procedure for those who need help with care .
4 We will for the first time be able to see the new system work .
5 In addition , the research will for the first time analyse the political processes associated with the determination and issuance of standards through case studies of data communication and ISDN ( Integrated Services Digital Network ) standards .
6 At elections due in June , 35% of the seats in the Sejm ( parliament ) will for the first time be freely contested .
7 Dr David Kessler , commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration said that his agency , the Environmental Protection Agency , and the Department of Agriculture will for the first time make a concerted effort to ‘ create incentives for the development of safe pesticides and to remove those pesticides that pose the greatest risk ’ .
8 And from the beginning of May , all businesses selling food will for the first time be required to register with their local council .
9 Andorrans will for the first time wield full sovereignty , be able to form and join unions and political parties and have an independent judiciary .
10 Walberg , Hose and Raster ( 1978 ) showed the significant relationship between LOR and proficiency in English with Japanese children in the USA , but also point out that the rate of learning slows down very quickly over time , so that in the first two months the child learns as much as he will in the next five months , the next year and so on .
11 I will over the next year endeavour to establish both a Recruitment Officer and a Publicity Officer for every branch .
12 They will over the next few months be endeavouring to sack twenty five UNISON members , skilled nurses who work within that particular speciality .
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