Example sentences of "which have [be] made " in BNC.

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1 By late September , the local doctor concluded that the lad was sinking fast , and told him ( according to the diary ) ‘ that notwithstanding all the efforts which have been made to check the disease , they had not done so … and advised him to look to God to prepare him for whatever might be the event of the disease .
2 Once the period of notice has expired the LEA must proceed with the assessment , provided it considers it appropriate having regard to the representations which have been made .
3 The following episodes are recent examples of allegations which have been made .
4 On 30 July , while Brook was away on holiday , Bridges sent Murrie the note of his conversation of 26 July with Attlee , adding , ‘ It all sounds to me frightfully reminiscent of proposals which have been made before and , I think , discussed . ’
5 Summarizing is a compact restatement of points which have been made in a discussion .
6 Some nurseries have old boats and vehicles which have been made safe for children to play in .
7 ‘ The vestments which have been made adds immeasurably to the praise of God .
8 While doing this we can learn from the struggle in Britain , and from the mistakes which have been made there .
9 Those predictions which have been made about the impact of new technology on employment levels have come from two types of analysis .
10 We attempt to do this in the next chapter , but before embarking on this task we must note some of the criticisms which have been made about the Braverman thesis and its implications .
11 Of the charges which have been made against the civil service , those against the Treasury have probably been the most substantial [ Brittan , 1971 ] .
12 It demonstrated all the concerns which have been made by Edwards , Adler , and Temkin in relation to rape trials about the bias of the proceedings against the woman .
13 This continues the series of major loan exhibitions from the British Museum to the University of East Anglia past subjects include Benin bronzes which have been made possible due to the high standard of the exhibition space , security arrangements and environment control in Norwich , which meets the Museum 's stringent loan requirements .
14 We shall look now at some of the comments which have been made and attempt an evaluation of the scheme before going on to discuss subsequent developments .
15 The criticisms of Totem and Taboo which have been made by social anthropologists have often served to clarify issues left obscure in the original work .
16 I shall argue that the suggestions which have been made carry with them grave problems .
17 I believe that " democracy " , like " freedom " or " equality " , is , in fact , a term with a common core of meaning lying beneath all the varied uses and interpretations which have been made of the term .
18 We may conclude , however , with a list of points which have been made in this chapter , and which form the basis of the use of the term " style " in this book .
19 These clusters , which have been made readily available to agencies , provide a very useful ‘ shorthand ’ for analysing and describing relevant markets or brands covered by TGI , since the data provide a direct link between brand or product use and media use .
20 Before I go on to deal with the other submissions which have been made , particularly those by Mr. Clough , who appears for the local authority , to support his submission that the order was wrong on the merits , there is one further aspect of the justices ' order and that is the second ground of appeal where it is said that the justices ought to have given the parties the opportunity of addressing them on the question as to whether prohibited steps orders rather than an interim care order , or rather than no order at all , should or could be made .
21 An important point , with a view to interpreting the Act of 1968 and understanding comments , both judicial and academic , which have been made about it , is the fusion in clause 12 and section 15 of larceny by a trick and obtaining by false pretences .
22 Since there is no single , objective definition of " temporary " , measurement attempts which have been made have had to rely upon subjective definitions , either of workers or of employers .
23 The novel needs to be understood in the context of the modes of textual communication which have been made possible by the digital revolution .
24 We now need to look in more detail at the primary area of bank lending , the private sector , particularly in the light of two criticisms which have been made of the role played by banking institutions .
25 No case bearing a strong analogy to the present was cited ; but the importance of enforcing promises which have been made to induce parties to marry has been often recognised , and the cases of Montefiori v. Montefiori ( ( 1762 ) 1 W.Bl. 363 ) and Bold v. Hutchinson ( ( 1855 ) 20 Beavan 250 ) are examples .
26 The profession had already been reviewing the role of the pension scheme actuary and this groundwork will be useful in responding to the calls which have been made for the professionals involved in pension funds , including actuaries , to play a stronger role .
27 Is the Minister aware that I welcome both advances which have been made , but it will be obvious to him from my correspondence with the Department that some bullying still goes on .
28 Had he not done so , another hon. Member would have obliged , and we would have had the chance to debate the matter and to make the points which have been made with such eloquence and fervour on both sides of the House .
29 We do not dissent from the arguments of substance which have been made , but we ask Opposition Members to allow us to deal with the matter in the most effective way available to us .
30 They depend on assumptions which have been made and on uncertain future events .
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