Example sentences of "which we will [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , you can leave payment to us by electing to use either our Standing Order or Direct debit services , under which we will automatically debit your Account with the amounts due as required .
2 There seems to be three possibilities : 1 ) There really is a complete unified theory , which we will someday discover if we are smart enough .
3 Then a leading photographer will capture your new look for our April issue , in which we will also publish the results of the two surveys showing how everyone found the experience of using Elancyl .
4 That was the way we became his followers , the way we got saved , it 's the way we continue , it 's the way and it 's the only re the only method by which we will ever stand before him and he will usher us into his presence to stand eternity with him , through his grace and as we see others , not in a sense of condemnation , not in a sense of self righteousness or pointing the finger , as we see others we can say with that man of old who , as he watched the , the man being dragged , to the , to the gallows , there but for the grace of God , goes I , goes me and there but for God 's grace , think of that most , that worse condition that you know , think of that person who has messed their life up more than any body else and er , who has made a total wreck of it , there but for the grace of God is you and there 's me , oh thank God for his grace .
5 We have to look at the application er on its merits in the particular erm circumstances and I 'll tell you something which we will certainly have to do erm and I I will say , I will say this in sort of due respect erm , because we are grateful to them that we can see .
6 Here lies a central dispute throughout the social sciences , and it is one to which we will often revert .
7 All this , I argued , is at least suggestive about how we can have some form of access to the superficial form , say of our walking ( i.e. to the gross sequence of movements , if not to the nerves ) , and can impose a new walking ‘ strategy ’ to which we will then in due course ( after an analogue of compilation ) again lose access .
8 He questions the structuralist practice of reducing individual texts to a microcosm of a general poetics , of using ‘ the indifferent gaze of science ’ to force them to ‘ rejoin , inductively , the Copy from which we will then make them derive ’ ( 1975 : 3 ) .
9 That will leave us , presumably at the end of this process with some of the worst homes , which we will then have to decide what to do about .
10 No , I said the officers will produce figures which we will then very , very closely examine .
11 He argues that all other forms of therapy are simply tranquillizers , helping people to adapt rather than change , or else to find an addiction like meditation or relaxation that offers temporary relief to which we will always need to return .
12 A superficially similar case may differ from this one in some subtle matter of detail the relevance of which we will only recognize when we encounter it in the concrete .
13 These attitudes were reflected in the arrangements for famine relief in Tsaritsyn guberniia , to which we will now turn , since our attention has been directed so far on Saratov and Samara gubernii to the north of it .
14 This restriction on consent is designed for the protection of the young , to which we will now turn .
15 ‘ And the Deeds of Rogal Dorn thereafter compose an entire hagiography , which we will now start to consider in detail — commencing with our Primarch 's role in the expulsion of the renegade Iron Warriors from the Human Imperium into the forbidden zone known as the Eye of Chaos , a region about which we speak softly if at all … ’
16 Spring , when the swelling buds indicate movement and rising sap , is quite soon enough to direct their energies by pruning — and that is the area to which we will now direct our energies !
17 And which we will never get back !
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