Example sentences of "which had [be] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 I had always wanted to see Harar , which had been Burton 's objective in 1855 .
2 There are still old Newfoundlanders around who chopped down their maple trees and ripped ’ O Canada ’ from their song-books on March 31 1949 , when the proud island which had been England 's oldest colony joined the Canadian confederation .
3 Pauca sed matura ’ , ( few but ripe ) , which had been Gauss 's motto , became Smith 's also .
4 And they found one tent which had been King Yucef 's ; never man saw so noble a thing as that tent was ; and there were great riches therein , and there also did they find Alvar Salvadores , who had been made prisoner the yesterday , as ye have heard .
5 Lorton was in the room which had been Arabella 's studio .
6 The black creature which had been Meh'Lindi undogged the door and darted into a wide corridor , misty with smoke .
7 Browne has noted that the early drafts he received , together with a synopsis of the action , already suggested the shape of the complete play — quite unlike the false starts and extensive rewriting which had been Eliot 's procedure in his earlier work ; Browne explained this in terms of his " greater self-confidence as a playwright " .
8 He took the car which had been Grégoire 's favourite and also , by chance , Isobel 's .
9 Penda 's invasion of the territory of the eastern Angles in 635/6 or 636/7 , when he slew in battle both King Ecgric and the ex-king , Sigeberht , who had been brought out of his monastery to lead the army with Ecgric ( HE 111 , 18 ) , terminated , as far as can be seen , the exercise of royal power among the eastern Angles by the direct descendants of Raedwald ( see Appendix , Fig. 5 ) , and made the repression of Penda 's ambition imperative if Oswald were to reconstruct the paramount position which had been Eadwine 's .
10 664 more than a shadow of the influence in southern England which had been Eadwine 's or Oswald 's .
11 ‘ The Daleks ’ , however , took the show up into the rarified heights of peak viewing , prompting programme schedulers to see it as a very useful keystone in grabbing audiences for the whole of Saturday evening — which had been Donald Baverstock 's prime intention all along .
12 Three weeks later , on the day I became Prime Minister , my first impulse was to sit down in the study which had been Harold 's and write him a letter of appreciation and grateful thanks .
13 A straight , imposing avenue was required to link the palace with the north-south axis of roads which had been Bucharest 's traditional main line of communication .
14 Magdalen , which had been Oscar Wilde 's college , always attracted a fair number of rarefied and aesthetic young men , and it was on to the path of this tradition that one of Lewis 's first pupils , John Betjeman , happily placed his bedroom-slippered toe .
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