Example sentences of "which had [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Their entry into the Town Boys appeared to rest not only on the fact that they had gained reputations but also on their ability to maintain such reputations in the absence of the symbolic dress and tokens of status which had assisted them in the past .
2 Within an hour he would be prostrate with an attack of the headache which had plagued him since youth , but it did not matter .
3 A government statement explained that the Cabinet had decided to spare Kim 's life because of her remorse and her value as a living testament to the nature of the North Korean regime which had brainwashed her .
4 This time the Orange Order , which had distanced itself from the Castlewellan and Cookstown incidents , was involved .
5 The dog , which had followed its master onto the roof , jumped down towards the lifeless body , missed , and fell dead on the stones below .
6 The conference was the first to be held by the union since the 1981 convention which had followed its first registration as a legal union [ see p. 31213 ] .
7 It was possible to believe that the sale and all the unpleasantness which had followed it had never taken place .
8 ‘ Yes , I am , ’ said Camille , and they embarked on one of the pointless quarrels which had characterized their relationship since they had learned to speak .
9 There was a long silence as Merrill fought a desire to drop the subject which had goaded her ever since Elise died .
10 Sometimes there were salmon in the millpond too which had lost their way — but that 's another story . )
11 They have been doubled by Oldham , been beaten by Sheffield United and last night went down to a Middlesbrough side which had lost its previous six matches .
12 Once , there must have been a single core-vessel which had lost its way or had lost the use of its warp-vanes so that it could no longer jump back into truespace .
13 The first time he returned with the door against which he had knocked his shin ; on the second trip he fetched a dented wheel which had lost its tyre .
14 The result was of particular significance because the ruling Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) , which had lost its majority in the Upper House for the first time in the 1989 elections , devoted massive resources to the by-election campaign .
15 The Greiner administration , which had lost its tiny majority because of Metherell 's earlier decision to leave the Liberal Party and sit as an independent , then recovered its position when the Liberal candidate won the by-election in Metherell 's former seat .
16 For the exterior filming , stunt arranger Stuart Fell found a church at Runham , in Norfolk , which had lost its roof .
17 Also replenished , the village pond , which had lost its frog population .
18 She convinced herself that the bulimia , which had scarred her engagement , was simply an attack of pre-wedding nerves and that Mrs Parker-Bowles was consigned to history .
19 ‘ We were leaving a bar which had ripped us off and Simon started giggling and piling up pot plants from the window boxes all over our car .
20 Instead , she sat on the side of her bunk analysing the strange feelings which had possessed her immediately before she had fallen asleep .
21 But many districts which had secured their freedom from the Forest law during Edward II 's reign were once more made subject to it .
22 A betrayal which had secured their dismissal from Mr Ben Braithwaite himself who had branded them as troublemakers with no hope of employment anywhere in Frizingley again .
23 Between June 1290 and October 1293 he paid the fine of £1,000 which had secured his release from the Tower of London .
24 The achievement of all three aims would depend , to a large extent , on his ability to maintain the reputation for winning battles which had secured his appointment as military and political supremo .
25 The conditions set out by Samuel were intended to distance the National Government from the Lloyd George coalition which had cast its shadow across the politics of the 1920s .
26 Both Lewis and Pound hoped that the Nobel would free him of that cautiousness which had smoothed his ascent .
27 As she lay blinking blindly into the unfamiliar darkness , her ears filled with a strange background hum , her tired and sleepy brain slowly realised that the sound which had awoken her had been her own desperate sobbing .
28 It was not until fifty years after the great fire which had swept it all away that Eadmer wrote this description of what he had seen as a small boy of about seven .
29 It is an equivalent of Alcoholics Anonymous , that is , those who were trying to escape from frightening fundamentalism which had destroyed their lives .
30 It was marred by a puckered scar which had destroyed his cheek , beginning just above the right-hand corner of his mouth , but , fortunately for him , narrowly missed his eye to disappear into his hair , twisting and distorting his whole face .
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