Example sentences of "which he be now " in BNC.

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1 Were it not for these he would not have produced any of the philosophy for which he is now remembered .
2 Cardoun landed the Prix Djebel to remain on course for the 2,000 Guineas for which he is now a 14–1 chance .
3 Rodrigo de Triano clearly needed the run and is still on target for the 2,000 Guineas , for which he is now a top-priced 7–1 .
4 In the year July 1797 to June 1798 Coleridge produced most of the verse for which he is now remembered , including Kubla Khan , Christabel , and The Ancient Mariner — for which Wordsworth suggested the albatross and the theme of the guilty wanderer which had so often appeared in his own recent work .
5 As for Sir Robert , who is , I believe , a man with a strong marketing background , might I suggest that he emerges from the confines of his embattled empire and experiences at first hand the market in which he is now operating incognito during the evening rush-hour .
6 So says theatrical director Sam Wanamaker of Shakespeare 's Globe Theatre , which he is now trying to reconstruct on the south side of the Thames in London .
7 This day I was motored over to Burghclere to see Stanley Spencer 's mural paintings which he is now working on in the Memorial Chapel built for the plans of the pictures he has in mind .
8 Next door , steady work is going ahead on a long term , very ambitious educational project to which he is now turning his energies .
9 Astonishingly , it was not until 1986 that Andy discovered the Bitches , with which he is now closely associated .
10 My hon. Friend has made it clear that no willing volunteer will be turned away and that anybody who wants to continue to serve with the TA will be able to do so , maybe not with the unit in which he is now serving , but with another unit .
11 I do not think there is any difference of opinion as to its being a general rule that , where any injury is to be compensated by damages , in settling the sum of money to be given for reparation of damages you should as nearly as possible get at that sum of money which will put the party who has been injured , or who has suffered , in the same position as he would have been in if he had not sustained the wrong for which he is now getting his compensation or reparation .
12 Prosecutors agreed not to go ahead with the case , in return for Chieke pleading guilty to separate , less serious matters , for which he is now serving 12 years in prison .
13 Moreover the death of Albert only served to emphasize the emotional burden which he was now craving : the increasing loneliness of the ageing Janie Moore , and the total isolation of his brother .
14 Edward was given the contract and threw himself into it with vigour , aided no doubt by his life-long abhorrence of the building which he was now about to replace .
15 Isobel , watching him , watching the mobile expressive features , the charm for which he was now celebrated , thought : He has changed ; there is a guard there that he can not drop .
16 the army intelligence officer who had asked Beattie on the morning of his arrest for information on crimes in south-east Antrim had not even mentioned the one of which he was now accused .
17 As a result of his lost schooling he could n't return to his previous class , and so was at least a year older than the other boys and girls in the class to which he was now assigned .
18 Much play was made of the fact that , since he had been present at the murder of John , duke of Burgundy , at Montereau he could not properly and worthily inherit the throne , from which he was now excluded .
19 All of the multifarious social duties in which he was now involved constantly encroached upon the time and energy which he wished to devote to his own writing .
20 But his depression at the failure of the play was only part of a pervasive depression from which he was now suffering .
21 In the next few days Creggan began to learn about the Zoo in which he was now imprisoned .
22 Cardiff looked back to see that the other man had opened one of the metallic cases and taken out what seemed to be earphones , which he was now wearing .
23 Of all the circumstances which he had envisaged — of all her possible responses to his clearly demonstrated willingness to admire her — that with which he was now faced was the most confusing , the most difficult to comprehend .
24 Having eaten two packets of bacon-flavoured potato crisps , he had purchased another tube of Rowntree 's Fruit Gums , which he was now enjoying while waiting for the lights to dim .
25 How bitter must he be to find himself in the position in which he was now ?
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