Example sentences of "which was [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 It was held that the accused was not guilty of theft because the transaction was a contract of sale which was voidable for mistake but had not been avoided .
2 Before getting down to their books they searched out a hollow straw and leaned flat across the spring to drink the water which was famed for its coldness .
3 ‘ No I ai n't , ’ he answered sharply , which was strange for him .
4 I was convinced that something had happened in our absence ; something had indeed happened — it had rained hard during the night and early morning — which was strange for that summer when we had a period of almost drought conditions .
5 Now in fact , before patch clamp came along in in a in around nineteen eighty there were there was another technique which was available for looking at single channel currents .
6 In other words they are being totally unfair in that process and as a result of this more people are likely to suffer as a result of fire Council and savings which are clearly er is proposed er that is Conservative review that we should not be using new money or money within the environment budget which is better stretched for all the other services , to find that other fire fighters as much as we agree they are needed when clearly there is another pot of money which was available for this service and which the other two groups have decided they will take
7 Up until then most of John 's friends and colleagues had heard any news in rather a fragmented way at parties or in the pub , which was frustrating for them .
8 The Ecumenical Jury , which was present for the first time in 1989 , included members of the Russian Orthodox Church , OCIC , and Interfilm .
9 The day before , the Transport Ministers had agreed on a timetable for the establishment of a high-speed rail network in northern Europe , costed provisionally at pounds 4,300 million , and incorporating the ( non-high-speed ) Channel Tunnel , which was due for completion in 1993 ( see p. 37158 ) .
10 The World Bank , which was keen for other cities to follow Singapore 's example , reported a 44 per cent fall in traffic entering central Singapore between 7.30am and 10.15am .
11 The confidence which was necessary for the successful functioning of a coinage tended to encourage a conservative approach to its design , and one of the largest and most abundant coinages of the ancient world , that of Athens in the fifth and fourth centuries BC , deliberately preserved an archaic appearance , as a comparison with more up-to-date treatments of the same subject reveals ( fig. 9 ) .
12 In Chapter 7 , we saw how several nutritional factors were detected — Will 's principle , found in yeast extracts and active against a tropical anaemia ; a similar material to that which prevented anaemia in monkeys ; the substance derived from spinach which was necessary for the growth of various microbes ; and substances from yeast and from liver also needed by microbes .
13 Accordingly , we should only interfere with his decision if we are satisfied that he applied an incorrect test , or was deprived of material which was necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion or was plainly wrong .
14 The judge 's failure to apply the correct test in this respect was compounded by the fact that he was deprived of the material which was necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion because of his failure to require that the mother be notified of the foster mother 's application for leave under rule 4.3(2) ( b ) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 .
15 In my judgment therefore the exercise of his discretion was vitiated on the additional ground that by failing to require that the mother be given notice of the foster mother 's application , he was deprived of material which was necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion .
16 Rostov was one of a very few special exceptions to the Imperial edict which excluded commoners from access to the bi-annual treatment which was necessary for administration of the drug , but he saw no reason to apprise the Adjudicator of the fact .
17 He had the knowledge of the dynastic relations between Seleucids and Ptolemies which was necessary for a Jewish observer .
18 Parliament avoided taking the decision on the acceptance of Théodore , which was necessary for the replacement of the current interim Prime Minister , Jean Jacques Honorat .
19 The result was that yesterday they turned on us for information as to the number of men to be dropped , the weight of stores and the mileage and so on , all of which was essential for them to know if they were to fit out the aircraft properly .
20 Finally , the ‘ deme judges ’ ( again an originally Pisistratid invention ) dispensed a justice which was uniform for all Attica , but they travelled round the demes on a kind of assize circuit ; they too must have been agents of unification .
21 I , standing on my tiptoes I could n't see out the window to , to look out to the stage erm , and there was a huge step up , it was about that , which was great for people 's bad backs and if you got up on that , erm then you sat on top of a very high cocktail chair , in fact one of our people had to kneel on top of the high cocktail chair , to look , to see down , over the window , down to the stage and they did n't give us a sound feed which would sound familiar
22 A spokesman for Army HQ , Scotland said : ‘ We are sorry that funding has been withdrawn , as it was a facility which was successful for soldiers . ’
23 With the expertise of a well respected manufacturer aware of the demands of modern catering , the hotel installed equipment which was right for the job and which culd be relied upon to help meet strict hygiene standards .
24 Unlike me , he at once felt at home in that charged , aggressive , almost militaristic atmosphere , joined heartily in the drinking and singing , and soon had all the students on his side , which was fortunate for me , because el Americano 's prestige deflected a terrible submerged violence and hatred that might well have done me harm .
25 Her manners , as well as her looks , were rather better than most , it was agreed — which was fortunate for the Blaines .
26 One Scottish Cup semi-final was played on Sunday and the greater experience of Les Steel ( Barnet Shenkin , Victor Goldberg and John Matheson ) told against Liz McGowan ( Ken Baxter , Malcolm Cuthbertson and Andrew McIntosh ) in a match which was close for 24 boards then decided in the third set of 12 boards .
27 He pivoted the hammer in a wooden Kapsel on the key , which was normal for a German action , and added the escapement , not on the key , but hinged to the keyframe .
28 The cash limits were intended to reduce the social cost of distortionary taxes elsewhere , to impose ‘ financial discipline ’ in the hope of attaining a performance that was closer to that which was cost-minimizing for any output , and to increase the bargaining power of management in wage negotiations .
29 The only one of the three daughters around was Dorothy , who acted as our guide and mentor and came with us , first on a visit to Speight 's Brewery which was memorable for the guide , who delivered her monologue in a deadpan voice and an accent so broad that even Dorothy had trouble understanding it , heaven knows what all the Japanese tourists made of it ! — and second , on the Taieri Gorge railway , an afternoon 's ride up into Central Otago , with stops along the way .
30 Which was good for me ; if I had directed it in 1979 it would n't have had a chance . ’
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