Example sentences of "which come with the " in BNC.

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1 Instead of a free subscription to an obscure journal ( which came with the registration fee ) many listeners would have preferred a decent abstract list — not to mention fewer unimaginative and time-worn presentations .
2 Knitmaster had separate manuals or leaflets for these which came with the accessory .
3 The second most important power which came with the ownership of the Golden Share was the right of veto over the hiring and firing of the editor .
4 The three cards which came with the review machine weigh just 1oz in total .
5 Johnson believed good humour an acquired quality , one which came with the ageing process , and came of learning to please others rather than the child 's instant gratification of pleasing itself .
6 The important parameters were eventually located in the installation guide which came with the harddisk — a little logic mixed with an educated guess or two provided the other figures and the project was complete .
7 She prepared for bed in haste , then got into bed without turning off the bedside lamp , willing the friendly glow to hold off the dreams which came with the night .
8 A change which came with the formation of Chemicals & Polymers was the switching of methanol to the petrochemicals business .
9 These programs are part of the operating system — the set of commands which come with the computer and allow you to communicate with it .
10 The manuals which come with the computer will explain how to use them .
11 Firstly you will have to draw a stitch pattern on one of the pattern sheets which come with the machine .
12 Close-up photography can be done using the standard 50 mm lens which comes with the camera , providing extension tubes or bellows are used .
13 This is then compared to a colour chart which comes with the test kit , to find the result .
14 The VIRUSCAN utility hunts for viruses which are described in a disk based document called VIRLIST.TXT which comes with the package .
15 The VIRUSCAN utility hunts for viruses which are described in a disk based document called VIRLIST.TXT which comes with the package .
16 Lucker makes her a cup of coffee from the construction kit which comes with the kettle .
17 Fill in and sign the claim form SPI S which comes with the application and give details of
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