Example sentences of "which we [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 There 's not a young trout in the place , no perch for our palate , no beautiful freshwater salmon which we agreed was best of all — except for char , of course , the speciality of the neighbourhood , but , as we knew , unlikely to be so lucky .
2 The wording to which we agreed was as follows : ‘ That this House welcomes the Government 's decision to leave the ERM ; and urges a fresh start to economic policy , in particular the abandonment of fixed exchange rates and a commitment to sound finance , stable money and the right climate for steady growth . ’
3 Wittgenstein 's answer to the question with which we began is that the psychological verbs , as he calls them , are ‘ characterized by the fact that the third person of the present is to be verified by observation , the first person not ’ .
4 At home we listened to the official news , which we knew was full of propaganda .
5 The cathedral in which we walked was almost lightless .
6 We dined from the table d'hote at £14.95 per head , which we felt was phenomenally good value .
7 I would like to record my thanks to the members of all sites who have given such enthusiasm and interest to this problem , this topic and that the erm County Council is now resourcing rights of way in a way which we felt was necessary and I would thank our staff for their persistence , patience and their continuing efforts with great er verseatue we I am grateful Chairman .
8 BOB Phillips of Information Services at Risley sent us some motoring observations which we felt were worth sharing …
9 That suspicion of the referendum or plebiscite which we noted was partly based on the fact that it is a device which had been used by some dictators and despots to give their rule at least the semblance of a basis in popular consent .
10 In section 1.1 , we looked at a number of general principles which we said were common to the behaviour of all types of institution .
11 She op- , give us the umm after- , aftershave and deodorant which we said were the cheapest .
12 We spent all our time rewriting the NCC drafts , keeping their improvements , which we accepted were valuable , but mainly restoring our original wording .
13 The room in which we lunched was referred to as the ‘ salon ’ .
14 Wherever we had been in the Celebes lowlands people would call out to us , " Hello , mister ! " — but in Bira it was always " Hello , Inggeriss ! " which we assumed was simply because news of our true nationality had got around .
15 And in understanding the old picture so vividly , he has prepared us to appreciate , and to understand , many things which we either could not previously have hoped to understand , or which we had been looking at with half-open eyes .
16 In the same way , the ears , which we had been led to believe revealed the horse 's emotions , are not really good indicators of a horse 's feelings on their own .
17 Reg and I were most vitriolic about the risk to which we had been exposed and hoped that the Germans would be just as inefficient . ’
18 what instructions had been given to the architects as to the ground they were to cover ; how far Parliament would be bound by the decision of the Commission [ of Judges ] ; and how we were to guard ourselves against an expenditure which we had been told by high authority would amount to not much less than £5,000,000 or £6,000,000 …
19 The news that Karen and I were married was made public at a buffet brunch given by Thomas and Lynn Carter to which we had been invited — or rather Karen had been invited , and had asked if it would be all right to bring me along .
20 After two pitches I suffered one of those inexplicable aberrations and instead of following the blatantly curving crack into which we had been cramming our limbs for the last 60ft I launched up an unerringly straight vertical groove above the belay .
21 A small hole was dug , the cigarette buried , songs sung over the grave and then the whole procession wended its w ? y round the field four times singing the funeral march from Aida , which we had been practising for a week .
22 Hamilton greeted him with emotional thanks and immediately surrendered our papers : our little Nansen passport , our Portuguese visa , even the ticket coupon with which we had been issued at the harbour of Salerno .
23 It had been a hectic period during which we had been under some pressure .
24 The servant banished the dogs and threw logs into the great tiled stove before which we had been sitting .
25 Halfway outbound in the hold the scheduled traffic for which we 'd been waiting landed , and we swooped down , just catching the ILS .
26 On arrival I went to the Met Office to see the TAF which we 'd been unable to obtain at Vigo , and the forecast was three at 2,800 , with no mention of stratus !
27 There is a certain satisfaction to be gained from achieving something which we thought was probably impossible for us .
28 James Brown when receiving our first album ‘ Box Frenzy ’ — ‘ I was expecting the first Clash album and got the third Sham 69 album ’ — which we thought was a bit of a compliment .
29 This is normal , they say to one another ; all that time before , which we thought was normal , was n't normal at all .
30 Very early each morning , which we thought was a fairly safe time to listen , we sat glued to the radio .
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