Example sentences of "which he [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 Skaller smiled bitterly : surely he sentenced , had to sentence those who were dragged before him because of this love , for the sake of this same love with which he himself once loved — of which he knew nothing more today — which he had forgotten — or which he thought of yet only as an aberration of his youth .
2 The ‘ it ’ which he speaks of suppressing is the Oxford Group Movement formed by Frank Buchman and later known as Moral Rearmament .
3 We are fortunate to have a letter from Barbarossa himself , written to his biographer , in which he tells of his campaigns in Italy and of the terrible slaughter that resulted from feuds between the Emperor and the Italian cities .
4 The only transport available was a dog cart , which he hired of necessity , but the slowness made his temper worse , and by the time he reached the rectory he felt as if he would burst with fury .
5 He had become increasingly unhappy about the trackway theory , feeling it to be insufficient to account for the number of leys which seemed to exist , the tendency for parallel systems , the intersection of many leys at a single site , and the phenomenon which he discovered of patterns of concentric circles .
6 That represents sixty percent of secondary schools and seventeen percent of primary schools and despite the er endeavour to which he refers of Essex county council , I can tell him that the latest school to decide to hold a ballot on such status is Notley High School , Braintree .
7 Apart from the inherent implausibility of this claim , Althusser argues that if Marx were to defend it he would be vulnerable to the very criticism which he made of classical economy .
8 Whilst I would commend you to study the German Staff Paper in its entirety , I would also draw your attention to its personal citation of AVM Bennett , and note the dateline March — 1944 : " This 35-year-old Australian — known as one of the most resourceful officers in the RAF — had distinguished himself as long ago as 1938 by a record long-range flight to South Africa … an example of his personal operational capabilities … may be cited in the attack which he made of the German Fleet base at Trondheim . "
9 In a speech on Dec. 1 Moi warned of interference by Western countries , which he accused of bias .
10 As late as 1865 , the botanist J. D. Hooker wrote a revealing letter to Darwin in which he complained of the stance taken by their contemporary , Alfred Russel Wallace , who had wondered that scientists should be so afraid to say what they think .
11 What she liked in him most was the sense which he gave of being connected to and aware of other worlds ; he promised connexion .
12 Moreover , Greer LJ specifically said " I do not decide that in every case where the relation of master and servant exists it is the duty of the servant to disclose , or to disclose upon inquiry , any discrepancies of which he knows of his fellow servants " .
13 It was through EP that Roy got involved in a project centred on upward feedback , a subject which he finds of great interest .
14 ‘ The white heat of the scientific revolution ’ , which he spoke of in his Scarborough speech of 1963 , caught and mobilised the spirit of those times .
15 Many were amazed that the war against Bolshevism was already more or less over , but no less a person than the Führer himself had again lent support to such notions with his proclamation to the soldiers on the eastern Front on 2 October , in which he spoke of ‘ the last mighty blow to smash the enemy even before the onset of winter ’ .
16 I had one letter , written after he got back to Darvel , in which he spoke of how our parting had affected him : ‘ You seemed so big-eyed and pathetic when I left , that it fairly caught my heart ; that exit was the most difficult I 've ever made in my life . ’
17 The tone of the debate was set by Home Secretary William Whitelaw 's introductory statement in which he spoke of ( a ) the need to ‘ remove the scourge of criminal violence from our streets ’ , and ( b ) the urgency of developing ‘ policies designed to promote the mutual tolerance and understanding upon which the whole future of a free democratic society depends ’ ( Hansard , vol. 8 , 16 July 1981 : col. 1405 ) .
18 Socialist Euro MPs jeered and heckled him during his key speech to the European Parliament , in which he spoke of Britain 's ‘ triumphs ’ of the Edinburgh Summit .
19 That event had the imprimatur of no less a figure than Louis Aragon , one of the founders of the movement , who wrote an uncompromisingly surrealist preface for it in which he spoke of the rock candy sticks which ‘ emerge from the earth at every seismic shock ’ and toasted Félix Faure , the President of the French Republic who died , in 1899 , in the arms of a courtesan .
20 Enraged that he should take it on himself to tell her the state of her own business , and bristling at the manner in which he spoke of her precious son , Esther said sharply , ‘ Whatever is or is not in the coffers is nothing whatsoever to do with you !
21 That evening Carter gave a warm toast to the Shah in which he spoke of the great importance of Iran 's relationship to the United States .
22 In an address to the nation on July 25 , during which he spoke of the need for a " fresh start " after the upheavals of June [ see p. 37523 ] , President Kenneth Kaunda pardoned Lt. Mwamba Luchembe and his colleagues who were behind the June 30 announcement of an Army takeover , and announced the release of all other political prisoners .
23 I accept the level of attainance of which he spoke as being likely in the case of the plaintiff 's career and I accept the sums which he spoke of as her potential earnings .
24 Whatsoever of thought or feeling came to him from England , or by way of English culture , his mind stood armed against in obedience to a password , and of the world that lay beyond England he knew only the Foreign Legion of France in which he spoke of serving .
25 Mr Van de Kamp , the state attorney-general , who admits to a personal distaste for execution , has responded with a commercial in which he boasts of sending people to death row — while , in the background , the camera dwells on a close-up of the gas chamber .
26 The series which he executed of the River Thames in January and February 1901 is particularly successful in this regard and stands comparison with his related oil paintings of the same subject .
27 Rumours of Kozyrev 's imminent resignation had followed the publication of an interview in Izvestiya on June 30 , in which he warned of the possibility of a coup attempt , and accused the defence and security ministries of providing deliberately misleading reports from areas of ethnic conflict in the former Soviet Union .
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