Example sentences of "which it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The road bypasses the viaduct , preferring to cross under the railway at a more orthodox bridge a short distance further on , after which it climbs steadily in a barren landscape to the grassy tableland of Newby Head Moss at an elevation of almost 1400 feet .
2 The kind of response which it calls forth is not a factual wonder why but a wonder at .
3 The concepts which it assumes as self-evident , until persistent failure to solve a problem calls attention to them , appear to an outsider as strange metaphorical structures to be examined and re-examined as he learns to find his way around the conceptual scheme .
4 On weekdays , a further peak occurred in the half hour before noon , but demand then dropped over the lunchtime period until 13.00 , when it started to climb once more , reaching a peak at 14.15–14.30 , after which it declined gradually until the end of the day .
5 Indeed , while the government 's White Paper The Health of the Nation is full of targets for the screening of breast and cervical cancer , of which it spends about £54 million each year , it contains no such targets for reducing cancer of the prostate gland .
6 While the human eye is extraordinarily good at doing this , the process by which it does so is not well understood and hence can be only imperfectly imitated .
7 And — to cap it all — there is no source of drinking water on the island — unless you are clever enough to find some way of catching and storing rain when it falls , which it does almost every day .
8 Which it does really .
9 Lawrence in again , bowls , ooh , and has a bit of trouble with this one , gets it on the bottom of the bat from which it bobbles away , it 's a short leg , and there 's no run .
10 The Baptist Missionary Society has changed the way in which it organizes home support for its missionaries .
11 The Church throughout the world received orders and instructions which it obeyed willingly enough , though sometimes it regretted that there were no arrangements for dialogue and that it had not been invited to collaborate ; the result was that unity had to be lived out in passive acceptance rather than celebrated in fraternity ( Pensiamo al Concilio 9 ; see Hebblethwaite , 1984 , p. 409 ) .
12 AMONG THE HIGHER forms of life , each species has a typical group size at which it functions most efficiently .
13 The honey-bee , in contrast , has developed a special , highly sophisticated skill by which it uses both the wax and the space within its nest in the most economical way possible .
14 Faults in method need to be investigated and are usually due to inadequate contact time or use of a chemical outside the temperature range in which it operates efficiently or a combination of both .
15 The District Line dived into the earth half-way along the Barons Court Road , to which it ran parallel , the trains heading for Charing Cross and then out into the East End , from where Uncle Ted had originally come .
16 Since being rebuilt , it 's broken many coveted racing records including the fastest Brooklands lap , in which it averaged almost 140mph .
17 Okay , now erm , today as you realize with feelings of immense relief is the last lecture of the term , so , so what I 'm gon na do , is to start talking about the er , so called black books of Freud , the set texts in this , in this course and I 'm gon na start talking today about the first , and in some ways , one of the most important of these , Totem and Taboo , and since it 's the last lecture of term , and you probably all forget what I said over the Christmas holiday , and wo n't be able to recall it afterwards , through the alcoholic haze , er what I thought I 'd do today , was talk about Totem and Taboo in the way in which it looked backwards rather than forwards .
18 The RENFE train station must be a long way from the centre , I thought , just as we began to enter the acid neon groves of the darkening city , through a narrow glade of brightly lit shops , the Corrielo , then through a vast archway — a policeman 's shrill whistle — and the bus was rolling and swinging right into the grand Plaza Mayor , which it circled slowly , triumphantly hooting .
19 The Spinal Tap film may be over ten years old but the traits which it parodies still seem to be very much in evidence today .
20 Which it saves just in case we had any accidents , and lost any of our files anywhere .
21 There are accents of English ( for example Welsh accents ) in which the second syllable sounds most like the in the first syllable of ‘ easy ’ , and others ( for example Yorkshire accents ) in which it sounds more like the in the first syllable of ‘ busy ’ .
22 would have turned it into a distinct party separate from the Parliamentary Labour Party of which it formed nearly a halt Candidates were asked to avoid " commitments with other organisations of such a nature as to militate against their effectiveness as ILP Members of Parliament " .
23 The Import Duties Bill of February 1932 also imposed a general tariff of 10 per cent on almost all imports , and the Import Duties Advisory Committee , which it formed quickly , raised the tariff to 20 per cent on manufactured goods , to between 25 and 30 per cent on luxury goods and to 33 per cent on chemicals and a wide range of other goods .
24 Everything , in fact , which it seemed almost impossible to find in one place in the City before .
25 It was an object lesson in finishing that would have preyed on the minds of the Belgian team at half time as they reflected on an opening 45 minutes during which it seemed only a matter of time before they took the lead .
26 In which it seemed always afternoon .
27 Larger than Glossy Ibis , from which it differs especially in its bald red head , red bill and legs , and neck ruff of long pointed feathers , which wave in the wind and give the bird a somewhat shaggy appearance at rest .
28 Only a little smaller than Great Grey Owl , from which it differs chiefly in dark eyes , unlined facial disc , and no black patch on chin .
29 ICFTU followed a strict international and national ‘ no contact ’ policy with the WFTU , which it saw as entirely Soviet dominated .
30 In the most general sense , the shelf-life of a product is that period of time between its date of manufacture and the date on which it becomes no longer acceptable for whatever reason .
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