Example sentences of "which i be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , it was silly of me to forget that you had been to Scotland often — one of those mental slips which I am increasingly prone to .
2 I tested this in three ways : by looking up an article on a subject which I feel I know reasonably well ; by looking up an article on a topic with which I am familiar ; and by looking for information on an area which I have heard about but of which I am largely ignorant .
3 Throughout the whole ghastly hour , I thought with gratitude of the boring school routines and the strict schoolmasters who have made me into the psychological oddity which I am today .
4 As long as I was forced to stay awake I shrank from any stimulus to sensation ; now I relax and welcome the fading sensations until they are extinct , and for a few minutes will notice impressions of which I am normally unaware , such as the twilight images on the edge of consciousness .
5 of river water in the United Kingdom is judged to be of a good or very high standard is something of which I am enormously proud .
6 Mr Deputy Speaker , no I did not know the exact amount of the recommendation but I of course assumed there was likely to be some pay increase and I have made an increase in grant which I am just about to explain to the house which will go some way to meet the requirements of local authorities and there are other assets and resources they have er which I will illustrate later on in my speech .
7 If , for example , I am engaged in reading a text on a subject in which I am well versed ( where the ideational or content schema is familiar ) , which has been written in a manner conventionally associated with writing on this subject ( where the interpersonal or formal schema is familiar ) , then I shall only need to pay attention to the linguistic signs to the extent that they key in this schematic knowledge and indicate how it is to be extended .
8 ‘ Except the fictitious character by which I am best known ! ’
9 The case history with which I am most familiar is my own , so I will start with myself :
10 It also plays host to a number of strange , ghostly occurrences according to a book I belong to Glasgow by Bill Hamilton and Gordon Carsely , from which I am most obliged for the information .
11 Some of what I have to say does in fact apply to literature generally , but much of it is specific to the novel , the literary form in which I am most interested , both as a literary critic and as a practising writer .
12 I believe that he has , in a single word , delivered to us the votes of the majority of general practitioners in the country , for which I am most grateful .
13 I shall say something this morning about the negotiation on political union , in which I am most closely involved , but I do not want to concentrate on those themes today , because the world has not obligingly stood still as we prepare the approach to Maastricht .
14 I know that it has happened in some regions , but that is certainly not evident in the areas of which I am most aware , where the problem seems great .
15 I am plagued by awkward thoughts , like splinters in my brain : the seventh grade and pocket radios , games of spin the bottle from which I am cheerfully excluded , tight jeans , Bonnie Bell lip gloss , me , boyish and baffled , the menacing breath of puberty .
16 As for the supposedly devastating impact of the John Major Diary in Private Eye , of which I am also a co-author , I can only say that , despite the article 's prediction , it did not seem to stand in the way of a gratifying number of people giving him their enthusiastic support on Thursday — including myself .
17 I wished I 'd come instead with the local Horticultural Society — of which I am also a member — so I decided to wander off .
18 In his spare time , this it what I did n't know , he 's an avid , which I am also , so we 'll be swopping games in the near future .
19 An experience of which I am thoroughly ashamed , and thankfully at the time my crew never knew , came to pass one night early in 1943 .
20 I do feel that this is necessary because we are allocating or just allocating our proposed budget er a substantial amount of extra resources through the rights of way which I am thoroughly in favour of but I do think we need to know how that money is going to be used and which of the items which are to appear in the report are going to be covered by that money and which is still going to need to be addressed next year when we have to book in time for it for next year .
21 The wealth of letters and contents therein is something for which I am ever grateful .
22 Many of you , I know , believe Smott 's substitution after four minutes was because he was out of his depth , but I can assure you it is all part of my master plan which I am painstakingly developing on a game-by-game basis .
23 And a job with which I am entirely in sympathy .
24 The last movement has some harmonic progressions which are thoroughly reminiscent of early Messiaen and the whole marvellous piece is one which I am genuinely excited to have encountered . ( )
25 take some action which I am currently not taking ?
26 ladies and gentlemen I would like to move a very small amendment to do a the second a membership on on item four on where it says up to three represent the area etcetera erm now the which I am currently a member of includes three libraries erm which are and and there are in fact five County Councils involved in the area of those three libraries when in fact Bushey has its own Bushey and there was a but I would like to see
27 ‘ In fact , ’ fluttered Miss Harker , ‘ considering everything you have told me … which I am quite sure you believe to be true even though I am sorry to tell you it can not be …
28 I believe that each of us has what I term a spirit ( but which I am quite happy for others to call the soul , the higher self , the inner self — or any of dozens of different names ) and that it is this spirit which has a journey to make through several lifetimes .
29 But the more precise use of the word ‘ State , ’ the use to be expected in a legal context , and the one which I am quite satisfied … was intended in this statute , is to denote the organs of government of a national community .
30 Well done , that was absolutely first rate , I mean erm , it was a difficult er , task you had , especially as the book was n't in the library , of which I am deeply apologetic , because I thought it was , and er , I thought you er , you coped with a very difficult assignment extremely well , and I think you can have an extra and I 'm sure everyone else thinks so too .
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