Example sentences of "which have been put " in BNC.

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1 The motion which has been put to the clubs , and backed by an emotive letter from the president , will be proposed by senior life member Ken Harris .
2 By deliberately altering the appearance of apparatus which has been put out but not used , a teacher can exploit the sorting and ordering activities that occur when clearing up .
3 It is an impressive body of photographic , graphic and specially commissioned work which has been put together by former NME photographer Adrian Boot and editors Neil Storey and Rob Partridge , with encouragement from Island boss Chris Blackwell and the head of Are You Experienced Ltd , Alan Douglas .
4 Their development from the turn of the century until around 1945 is traced in the show which has been put together by Christian Tümpel and a group of his art history students at the University of Nijmegen .
5 And although the er , the causal relationship is not completely established , it is a very helpful way of remembering that one of the principle distinguishing features of this organism which separates it from other members of the genus staphylococcus it pr it produces this enzyme to coagulate things on and the effects of this enzyme are illustrated here as against the control preparation , you see a clot form due to the action of this enzyme on clotting practice which has been put into this test tube serum .
6 A third argument which has been put is as follows .
7 And there is considerable scope left for the talented student to exploit the potential of the course and the sophisticated equipment which has been put in to resource the HNC .
8 3.7 Another answer which has been put forward is that postnominal attributive adjectives are abbreviated clauses .
9 Now in terms of the cr the need for development , I 'm sure the panel will have read all the evidence which has been put in about the long history of the varying impact studies o on development on around Greater York , and those date back of course to the February eighty nine report which I I think you 'll have seen copies of .
10 The figure which has been put forward by the county of a hundred and twenty two hectares for Selby deals with three elements .
11 That argument would I think be very persuasive if I were able to be confident that the levels of conversion is one which would be an adequate and proper one , it is relatively new , there is nothing wrong with that , it is not apparently been a conversion which has been put into practice , except in the last year because have only started conversion when the Nissan Serena was brought out .
12 In mentioning the directive er can I er pause very briefly er Mr Deputy Speaker to apologise to the house that this document was not made available at the draft stage er an unfortunate combination of human error and several failures of communications meant that the select committee was deprived of the opportunity to consider the directive at its draft stage , er I 've noticed the select committee 's report which has been put in the vote office in the usual way and acknowledge the government did not meet its scrutiny obligations with regard to this document in the normal means .
13 Now between during the period from the decision of Mr Justice in March nineteen ninety one and the issue of the sealed order in May nineteen ninety three , it 's clear from correspondence which has been put before me that there were er various negotiations and discussions between the solicitors for the plaintiff and the defendant dealing with the questions of costs and also with the question of a general settlement of the whole action , er it would be appreciated of course that Mr Justice order does not have the effect of determining finally the rights of the parties , erm other than the partnership has in fact dissolved because there were still outstanding issues in particular relating to the premises which were used as the surgery of the premises of the part of the prac of the practice or perhaps I should say former practice .
14 Do you think it was the case that when Shakespeare was actually writing these plays he had any real concept of the richness of his producing , or was this all superstructure which has been put there by various university professors since ?
15 Do you think it was the case that when Shakespeare was actually writing these plays he had any real concept of the richness of what he was producing or is this erm all a superstructure which has been put there by various university professors since ?
16 Moreover , they undoubtedly claimed the disafforestment of districts which had been put out of the forest during the reign of Stephen , and subsequently reclaimed by Henry II .
17 The barons complained that Henry III had arbitrarily re-afforested woods and lands which had been put out of the forest by the perambulations of 1225 ; that he claimed the wardship of heirs to assarts made within the forest , to the detriment of the overlords in whose lands such assarts had been made ; and that he made frequent grants of the right of free warren in disafforested areas , thereby restricting the free rights of hunting which ought to have been enjoyed by landowners in such districts .
18 The royal demesne vills , fields and woods in Sherwood Forest , for example , which had been put out of the forest by the perambulation of 1300 , were now ‘ entirely put back into the forests by the said King Edward ’ .
19 He soon turned his attention to the districts which had been put out of the forest earlier in the reign .
20 He was alleged to have recalled into the forest without warrant ‘ vills , lands and woods ’ which had been put out by Edward I 's perambulations and confirmed by Edward II : he had , in breach of the Charter of the Forest , amerced men living outside the forest for not attending the Forest Eyre .
21 The Forest law still applied in some measure , however , to the purlieus , the outlying districts which had been put out of the forest during the fourteenth century — although in some parts of the country the authority of the Forest officers was disputed there .
22 The same bearded man whom we had already met said that it lay next to the mosque , behind some barbed wire which had been put there to protect it .
23 Unfortunately , Jessica was not able to lay her hands on the flags , which had been put somewhere among the jumble in the attic .
24 ‘ For several years I had suffered tiredness and bouts of depression which had been put down to overwork , disturbed nights with the children and stress , ’ days Lyn Perry , 40 , of Rickmansworth , who 's married and has three daughters , aged between 10 and 15 .
25 In the short run he wished to rally moderate Indian opinion , which had been put out of countenance by its non-inclusion in the Simon Commission , set up to review the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms in 1927 ; in the long term he wished to save India for the Commonwealth .
26 The gentle mercies of the lash were used even more extravagantly for civilising the ‘ primitive ’ peoples of the Empire in the nineteenth century , and in one of its anti-garotting tirades Punch ( 6 December 1862 ) had good cause to remember the lesson of the Indian Mutiny of 1857 which had been put down in a sea of blood .
27 In earlier incidents , OMON units on Jan. 14 had briefly occupied a police station in Riga , and had tried to remove two of the barricades which had been put up by Latvians on main roads , bridges and around public buildings in response to events in Vilnius .
28 Although no details of its terms were made available , officials declared that it would form the basis for future formal bilateral links , which had been put into question after the collapse of the 1982 Confederation of Senegambia in September 1989 [ see pp. 37062 ; 37801 ] .
29 But a Welsh Water official gave an assurance that supplies were safe , and he said extra pumps were being brought in to take over from giant pumps which had been put out of action by an electrical failure during the floods .
30 Scaffolding worth £200 which had been put up at Firthmoor Infants School in Estoril Road South , Darlington , has been stolen .
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