Example sentences of "which [vb past] at the " in BNC.

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1 In fact the members took it to a European court and spent a lot of their own money — twenty five thousand pounds — to try and get a discrimination judgement out of the European court , which failed at the last hurdle really , we think on political grounds really .
2 The third congress of journalists which met at the end of January simply stressed the importance of party leadership of the press and made no practical survey of what was actually happening .
3 Like other Marranos in London , Carvajal prayed at the Catholic chapel of the Spanish ambassador , while simultaneously playing a leading role in the secret Jewish community , which met at the clandestine synagogue at Creechurch Lane .
4 The Southern Capital had been divided into eight segments , like slices of the round , flat loaves the Semite guest workers baked , each segment 's inner edge bisecting one of the main quarters of the town , into which it was split by the two main thoroughfares , one running north-to-south , and the other east-to-west , which met at the centre .
5 The National Council of Women in Darlington , which met at the Coachman Hotel this week , were told the tenyear-old reservoir had staved off drought in the North-East .
6 Labour 's employment spokesman was blamed for much of the confusion which arose at the TUC on the issue .
7 The sum insured applicable to a claim is the figure which applied at the date of the loss , i.e. the sum insured at inception/renewal date plus the appropriate index-linking to the date of loss .
8 It is important to note that the political party system in the Republic of Ireland is largely based on the divisions in the national-popular consciousness which occurred at the time of the Irish civil war .
9 An earlier film by Raphael , The Persuaders ( 1986 ) , charted the transformation of Ricki into Rytasha , which occurred at the Hare Krishna Temple in London , and her uneasy relationship with her guru there .
10 Whereas in the Ruhr Coal Basin i.e. at the southern margin of the N.W. German Basin , this first coalification was the only one ( in places at least the predominant one ) because , there , the coal reached its deepest level of subsidence and its highest rock temperature before the Asturian folding ( which occurred at the boundary between Westphalian D and Stephanian ) , this late Variscan folding combined with an uplift of the Carboniferous , was much less intense further to the north .
11 I explained in my statement in the annual report about the management reorganisation which occurred at the end of nineteen eighty nine .
12 For , as we shall see , it is a remarkable and essential transformation , one which occurred at the beginning of human culture but which , in some subsequent cultures — possibly even in the modern world — could undergo retransformation back again into what it originally had been — an external tyranny .
13 No-one was hurt in the incident , which occurred at the Mihama plant near Fukui , some 220 miles west of Tokyo .
14 It was later provided that if the commissioner from the presiding burgh should be absent , or refuse to vote , the commissioner from the burgh which presided at the last election should have the casting vote and so backwards in rotation .
15 It was further provided by Statute that , in supplying a vacancy occurring during the sitting of Parliament , the burgh which presided at the election of the former member should preside at the new election .
16 But in the 1860s and 1870s the development of the steam trawler , the use of ice for preservation , and the exploitation of the rail network signalled the arrival of cheap cod and made possible the fish-and-chip shops which multiplied at the end of the century to furnish an important source of protein to the working class .
17 Unfortunately , I fell on the gravel , severely grazing my knee and , what was worse , ruining one of my two pairs of stockings — nasty rayon objects which sagged at the knees and cost precious clothing coupons .
18 Nevertheless , a second movement which erupted at the end of the 1880s was wholly unexpected .
19 Another case that , because of the genius of Gerard Manley Hopkins , has in retrospect become better known , is that of the loss of the Deutschland , which sank at the mouth of the Thames in December 1875 .
20 Bonanza Boy finished a remote eighth in the race and is 10lb worse off with Little Polveir but it is unwise to judge him on that performance which came at the end of a long season after some punishing contests .
21 The enormous increase in the demand for lace was largely due to the fashion for lace curtains which came at the same time as a huge house-building programme , and buyers came from home and abroad to negotiate their deals in the Lace Market .
22 In general , both leaders stressed their unanimity on all the main subjects , including the last-minute question of the Soviet ultimatum to Lithuania [ see p. 37361 ] , which came at the end of the summit and which both leaders roundly condemned .
23 There was , of course , a great deal of fun as well , and I made some contribution to the musical life of INSEAD by setting up an 11-piece band which played at the summer ball amongst other events .
24 Yet yesterday 's report on the Clapham crash , confirming the picture which emerged throughout the Hidden inquiry , makes an event which seemed at the time totally unexpected look almost inevitable .
25 The only evidence which seemed at the time to offer any reliable dating was that of the coins which were of sufficient interest to the nineteenth-century antiquarians for them to be recorded , although rarely in detail .
26 LETTER-BOMBERS who sent a package which exploded at the Cambridgeshire headquarters of Anglian Water yesterday have been roundly condemned by Scottish National Party leaders .
27 His poetry tells a different story : there was wide and profound sentience — of man and nature , of beauty and the beast , of times and seasons , of perception and tactility , of hearing and tasting , and smelling ; at the bottom of which remains an unresolved questing , a whole gamut of unanswered questions which drove at the very heart of what he most wished to believe .
28 There the officer class , which consisted at the regimental level largely of provincial nobles with a well-developed military tradition , showed itself increasingly hostile to the purchase of commissions by rich bourgeois , even if recently ennobled , and to the invasion of the army by the power of money .
29 My introduction to the Advanced Courses Development Programme was in the form of SCOTVEC 's Consultative Paper which arrived at the College early in 1987 .
30 At least , that much Annie gathered from other discussions and the political writing which flourished at the time .
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