Example sentences of "which [noun prp] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So is Viasa , a Venezuelan airline in which Iberia has both a 45% stake and management control .
2 Lewis was enjoying that Tuesday , the day on which Morse had suddenly spurted into a frenetic flurry of activity .
3 Standing between the two stone urns which Victoria had thoughtfully filled with pink geraniums and ivy the previous day , they made a pretty picture .
4 The world of fashion and advertising ( from which Victoria has not quite made her escape — she is like someone with one boot stuck deep in the mud , unable to move either way ) now uses places like that as themes for new looks or as inspiration for ‘ lifestyles ’ .
5 Which Roger has n't seen yet
6 This was the second annual arrangement of a three-year ESAF arrangement for a total of SDR136,050,000 which had been approved in July 1988 , and under which Bolivia had already drawn SDR45,350,000 .
7 Despite the fact that the five polytechnics under the control of the ILEAPCL , North London Polytechnic , Polytechnic of the South Bank , City of London Polytechnic , and Thames Polytechnic enjoy corporate status , they are still subject to detailed financial regulation by the ILEA , a situation which PCL has certainly found petty and restrictive .
8 Jezrael 's unblinking eyes grew hot and itchy with tears for Chesarynth , for all that her sister had meant to her of protection and sharing — none of which Jezrael had ever said .
9 Until 200 years ago it had stood in the Berlin Stadtpalais for which Fiedler had also executed the panelling , flooring and cupboards .
10 Izetbegovic appealed to Turkey and the EC for support in resisting Serbian plans to divide up Bosnia-Hercegovina between Serbia and Croatia with a Moslem buffer state between the two , a proposal in which Tudjman had also expressed interest .
11 Irina was wearing a blue-and-brown check low-waisted summer dress with pleats , which Alison had already declared to Franca to be ‘ too smart , too old , and too expensive ’ .
12 Under his regime the BBC survived intact as an institution , although the Annan committee on broadcasting , which reported in 1977 , the year of Curran 's retirement , revealed most of the stresses , financial as well as political and social , which Curran had never been able to eliminate .
13 The information , which DEC had previously treated as confidential , came to light after DEC Hungary executives accidentally handed an internal company newsletter to a local Canadian freelance journalist .
14 Her place had been set with a wreath of holly , adorned with a place card on which Richard had laboriously written ‘ Miss Abbitt ’ in scarlet ink with a liberal spattering of blots .
15 ‘ He 's sensitive , ’ she shouted , after Geoffrey had recounted an incident in which Meredith had supposedly scuttled into the band room to avoid interviewing some out-of-work actor who had an appointment with him .
16 Usually it was late afternoon before I tossed myself into the near-coma from which Gwenellen had just woken me .
17 Another early romance , which Kylie has often spoken about , was with the infamous Grant .
18 He thought again about how the changes which had occurred in the Southern Capital , to which Surere had now been exposed after so long away , might have affected such an inflexible heart .
19 He had seated himself in an armchair adjacent to the settee to which Elisa had naturally returned although now she was sitting rather prim and upright on the edge .
20 They signed two protocols which amounted to an attempt to revive a 1987 security protocol directed against the Kurdish separatist guerrillas of the Kurdish Workers ' Party ( PKK ) , which Syria had not implemented .
21 The seminar , held in London in November , was a new departure in LASMO 's investor relations programme and was held to enable the investment community to get to grips with all aspects of the LNG trade — an industry which is very different from the oil and gas business in which LASMO has always been involved .
22 But he felt that McAllister had to pay something back for all the fairy-tales which she had told Matey and himself , and which Matey had so gullibly swallowed .
23 It also objected to the legitimacy which UNTAC had allegedly bestowed upon the Phnom Pehn government .
24 Structuralist Marxism and critical theory remain committed to Marx 's analysis of the material relations of production but both are concerned to address other aspects of human social life about which Hegel had more to say than Marx .
25 He loved shrubs , especially lilac bushes , which Jean had consequently banned from her garden , so he brought them to our place .
26 In the difficult economic climate of the 1970s and 80s there have been more frequent cries from industry for assistance , which States have not always resisted in their desire to minimise the disruptive effects of economic change .
27 In a couple of months , they will be moving to larger premises , which Walker had just found when I visited him .
28 As it was , the Pistols were not together long enough , nor did they sell sufficient records , to make the profits for Virgin which Branson had always anticipated .
29 The rest are mainly either inter-urban routes like Portsmouth-Bristol , quite busy branch lines like the Cornish branches or the South Wales branches ; or they are former main lines from which InterCity has progressively withdrawn — like the Settle & Carlisle , the former Glasgow & South Western Glasgow route , Newport-Crewe , the trans-Pennine lines and some cross-country routes crossing England from east to west .
30 UI , an $11m affair , wants to retain its input into X/Open , but unless it can come to an arrangement over some other form of membership which OSF has so far failed to secure , it is likely to turn in its cards at the end of the year .
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