Example sentences of "which [noun prp] [vb -s] is " in BNC.

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1 Erm the particular issue which Colin raises is a very important one .
2 So which Alison feels is erm er you know the right sort of time
3 I have pointed out elsewhere that the epoch of Western civilization to which Rado refers is dominated by a process of unconscious recapitulation of polytheism in Christianity .
4 Gary is qualified to criticise ; following in the footsteps , as it were , of Douglas Bader , one of his earlier flights involved an embarrassing thud followed by a wheelchair , which Gary says is an advantage in many ways because now he can stay aloft at great heights without getting cold feet .
5 It is stories like these which help to protect Easton 's policemen and women from the loss of morale which Manning claims is an inevitable result of the contradiction between the image the police have of themselves and their work and the low-key nature of practical policing ( Manning 1977 : 349 ; also see Holdaway 1983 , 1988 , who makes a similar point ) .
6 Another excellent chapter deals with the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion , which Brennan admits is a personal hobbyhorse .
7 Well let , let , let , let me tell you , I do n't want to put you on the spot , the , the , the analogy is of er the typical pattern of development of a neurosis , which Freud says is a trauma that happens often in infancy .
8 is different from other groups because as well as giving people someone to chat to , the can give some people financial help , which Carol thinks is really important .
9 Each centre aims to build up in a few years the basis for energy conservation throughout industry , transport and construction — an ambitious target , which Chandler feels is achievable .
10 One important point which Anthony makes is that the essential quality of the psychotic temperament is emotional hypersensitivity or ‘ skinlessness ’ , with which the child copes by developing a degree of resilience to painful thoughts and events .
11 In respect of God 's being , the fundamental axiom with which Barth works is that God is ‘ eternally and antecedently in himself ’ what he shows himself to be in Jesus .
12 Interactive Voice Processor costs from £40,000 for a six-port system , which Bellamy claims is good value compared with the cost of employing six staff just to answer the phone .
13 Like the outside world , the island ( before , a paradise ) has been destroyed by the evil of man which Golding believes is in everyone .
14 Education is one of the privileges that bureaucrats increasingly are able to pass on to their offspring , together with their important connections in the state apparatus , which Cliff maintains is used as their private property ( Cliff 1964 ) .
15 A number of probabilistic systems employ word-word associations which Sharman claims is the implicit application of syntactic , semantic and pragmatic knowledge .
16 The " literature " to which Playfair refers is , of course , classics rather than English literature ( which had not yet come to be seen as an adequate instrument of " culture " ) .
17 The dream which Gunn describes is clearly a moving event for him .
18 The toolset , which Cadre claims is the first integrated solution covering maintenance , test and reuse of existing software , includes six modules : system understanding , a reverse engineering tool for ‘ complete design recovery of C source programs ’ ; function understanding , producing control flow graphs and data and control complexity metrics ; the construction module , which automates the building of source code from Ensemble 's design environment ; test case generation , which automatically builds in test cases at function , unit or subsystem level ; test verification ; and a documentation module .
19 Say , the natural frequency with which Sk occurs is Fk .
20 Until the end of September this year , the product will be specially priced at £618 , which SunPro claims is a 70% saving .
21 ‘ The lamb ’ which Abraham means is Isaac .
22 There is also the Lolium perenne — Cynosurus cristatus pasture , in which Trifolium repens is usually abundant , with frequent Holcus lanatus , Festuca rubra and Poa pratensis .
23 The collision is still occurring as the plate on which India sits is ‘ subducted ’ beneath the Eurasian land mass .
24 They have just released their debut album Need For Not , which Dave says is a critique of the capitalist way of life today .
25 SyQuest Technology Inc , Fremont , California has had enough of French start-up Nomai SA and has started legal proceedings in Paris to stop the sale of what it claims are illegal copies of SyQuest removable Winchester disk cartridges and to obtain other legal relief : the complaint was filed before the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris ; it already has an injunction against the company in the US , but Nomai has continued to ship its cartridges outside the US , which SyQuest believes is in violation of both the original temporary restraining and subsequent stipulated order .
26 The kind of morality which Spinoza recommends is one which guides us on how we may live out our lives in the fullest possible exercise of our personal urges and abilities .
27 beneath the details of everyday life which Shamin describes is a feudal economy where small farmers scratch out a living from day to day , where one false step can mean falling into debt or mortgaging one 's land without hope of recovery and where one rebellious individual can place the entire economic unit , the joint family , at risk .
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