Example sentences of "which [was/were] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Beyond the V-bombers , which were to be high-altitude , subsonic aircraft with a range of 1,500 nautical miles , the Air Staff envisaged a supersonic successor with greater range and navigational accuracy .
2 Her head did not nearly reach his shoulder , and even from where I stood I could sense the gentleness , the protectiveness , which were to be her portion .
3 Pitching their eighty-nine lodges on the river 's eastern bank , the people grazed their ponies in the westerly hills and cut new lodge poles which were to be dragged to the Crow country when seasoned .
4 In return Mafart and Prieur had their sentences commuted to three years which were to be served in exile at the French military base on the Pacific island of Hao .
5 Stocky and friendly , he had two small flaws in his character which were to be his undoing .
6 In an interview with William Hardcastle on BBC Radio 4 's ‘ The World This Weekend ’ , the text of which was published in the Irish News on 7 October , Craig introduced two themes which were to be repeated over and over during the next few days .
7 A number of demands which were to be raised by the civil rights movement were taken up by the manifesto .
8 The minister had , in fact , outlined a programme of some 1,823 new houses , including corporation , NIHT and private developments , but 1,300 of these were to replace houses which were to be demolished in redevelopment , so that the plans did not envisage wiping out the existing demand for houses .
9 It was originally decreed that great economies had to be exercised in the provision of stations , which were to be mainly of wood .
10 A resolution of 22 March 1792 provided for the erection of temporary stabling for 50 horses , to which were to be added later a lecture theatre and a dissecting room .
11 When I spoke with Mike Spring , creator and master planner of this new and important Hyperion series about a year ago , he was full of enthusiasm about the music and artists which were to be recruited to perform it .
12 It was 1968 and the Crystal Palace track had been converted to Tartan in readiness for the Mexico City Olympic Games which were to be held on synthetic surfacing for the first time .
13 One frequent request was for containers in which to put belongings which were to be stored at Bloomsbury House : ‘ Alice needs 2 wooden boxes and 1 cardboard container in which to put all her belongings … ’
14 He accordingly devoted his subsequent research efforts to discovering these plant remedies , which were to be related particularly to temperament , mood and states of mind .
15 Group tramways in the early days to deal with the problem of the very dusty streets which were to be found in most towns then in summer .
16 This was to be jointly owned by twelve area distribution companies , which were to be created to take on the distribution role of the existing twelve area boards .
17 This was true of the declared intention to establish not just a common commercial policy once the transitional period had been concluded , but also of objectives which were to be sought during the transitional phase : a common transport policy , free movement of workers , and a common agricultural policy .
18 In the original battle plans , which were to be strictly adhered to , ten minutes were allocated for the raid .
19 A four-year training period was proposed , the first two years of which were to be spent at Bedford , where probationers could be prepared for the preliminary examination .
20 Parliament listed a number of goods , known as the ‘ enumerated articles ’ , which the colonies were not allowed to send anywhere outside the empire , and which were to be carried out only in ships from England or from the country of origin .
21 Invalided home with malaria in 1917 , her war experiences no doubt contributed to her indifferent health and drink problem , which were to be factors in the weakness of the BF before her death in 1935 .
22 Not only was the administration of education to be decentralized , but also the curriculum was to be revised to eradicate the transmission of ideas about the deferential duties of citizen subjects , which were to be altered to stress individual rights .
23 The letters appointing him spoke of the ‘ dissensions recently arisen ’ in the duchy of Aquitaine where he was to act ‘ to pacify the said land ’ ( circa stabilimentum terre predicte ) , thereby incurring additional expenses ( which were to be recom-pensed ) at the Paris parlement and in the duchy itself .
24 This was the first of many long sieges which were to be characteristic of the war .
25 But it was sent to the National Security Council and in the meantime Secretary of Defense Johnson , according to the internal ‘ History of the Indo-China Incident ’ prepared for and by the Joint Chiefs of Staff , had called upon the NSC to determine exactly how US security was threatened by the current situation in the Far East and to formulate tentative courses of action which were to be co-ordinated for the whole region and were to outline specific objectives to be attained .
26 And it was striking that in both instances the referenda did stimulate a serious and extensive debate about the matters which were to be decided on — or at least voted on .
27 As far as the School was concerned , the Headmaster ( reappointed ) was requested to purchase books and stationery , to be sold to the pupils , and " pens , ink , inkpots , and indiarubber " which were to be supplied free of charge .
28 In return , the USA and her West European allies offered to halt the deployment of Cruise and Pershing missiles , which were to be supplied to the NATO powers later in 1983 .
29 Those who were now beginning to pay lay subsidies might think about that wealth and this statute , particularly about its words contrasting the defence of the realm with the endowment of the church — words which were to be echoed by Wyclif in the 1370s and in a royal grant as late as the 1440s .
30 The predominant over-view in this Department was that Television held a special kind of mystique ; that writing and producing drama for it demanded special levels of skill which were to be somewhere between the scopes of the Theatre and the Cinema .
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