Example sentences of "which [pron] [vb past] from " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The movies are true , ’ screamed my eyes from the back of the yellow can which I took from the airport .
2 ‘ My legs were in a right mess from blows which I took from Tony Cordle and I could hardly bowl for all the strapping when we took the field , ’ grinned Robinson .
3 I recently decided to renew the plants , which I ordered from ‘ Tropical Plantation ’ , through PFK .
4 In the next chapter , I will give some examples of " Jamaican " which I collected from children and adolescents in London .
5 Now the police authorities a and the local authorities and the magistrates may be thought to be indulging in special preening , but I do assure Your Lordships that they really are not alone in expressing their anxieties er about the er er er this bill and what it proposes , for example , if I may , I would like to refer to a letter which I received from Justice , chaired by my Noble Friend Lord Alexander of and with his Vice-chairman er er Lord and er they say as an all-party human rights organisation , Justice considers that the composition of police authorities is an important constitutional issue effecting the independence of policing .
6 Mrs Ewing said : ‘ This decision , coupled with the pledge of support which I secured from John Major in Strasbourg last December , means that Europe 's least densely populated area stands a much better chance of receiving justice . ’
7 Janice Flook ( Mrs Boniface ) writes ‘ after a varied career during which I migrated from chemistry to computing to telecommunications , I am now enjoying the early years of our son Keith who was born last year .
8 The figures actually which I got from the director yesterday are that the department is counting four hundred and ten vacancies of those four hundred and ten , two hundred and thirty four are out of commission , they 're in homes being refurbished seventy two are in blocked places , that is double rooms being lived in by a widow or widower where er they 'd previously shared it with the spouse or er disability reasons , health reasons , behaviour reasons of a resident er in a previously shared room .
9 A story which I heard from Dad about his days at Charlton-All-Saints brought a chuckle from him as he told it but , at the time , the occasion must have been almost tragic .
10 The group suggested some amendments to a draft motion which I proposed from the chair ; the amended motion was then signed en bloc with only two colleagues declining .
11 All I ate that day was a piece of bread , which I begged from a farmer eating his supper .
12 Thus for example in the quotation which I gave from Anselm , it is to be noted that God is to be seen as a Father in authority and teaching , as a Mother in kindness and mercy .
13 The next day was the big event and I wore a nice new dress in blue and fawn which I bought from Shepherd 's in Barnard Castle .
14 I 've got a beautiful set of little Pierrot clowns , which I bought from the art department of the last mini-series I worked on — Golden Fiddles .
15 Because the discussion of these criteria is associated with a fresh and more promising period in the history of memory research , and also symbolizes the point in my own research trajectory at which I switched from working on imprinting to an even simpler form of learning in the young chick , they can appropriately form the starting-point for the next chapter .
16 The letter which you received from the Director of Education will have told you the reason for the Council 's decision to refuse a place at the school(s) you wanted your child to go to .
17 There was a card which you received from the er clerk at the desk , they were introduced , the clerks were introduced in order to note everybody 's time .
18 Well wh I think all you can say is , you end up with a , with a package of genes which you got from your parents .
19 ’ — Then for your service to me thus far I will confirm you in the offices and estates which you held from Nogai . ’
20 You can get a wife 's earned income tax relief on the part of your pension which you earned from your own contributions .
21 Annie let a smile touch her lips and she passed off her embarrassment by wiping Rachel 's mouth with a spotless white handkerchief which she took from her coat pocket .
22 which she got from Ireland
23 As we passed Number 110 , I spotted Mrs Shorrocks staring at me out of the window , sporting her usual black eye and a mass of different coloured bruises which she collected from Bert most Saturday nights .
24 Her deportment , said to be ‘ like a queen ’ , was perhaps formed by her work at the dressmaking and millinery shop , Cranborne Alley , Leicester Square , to which she journeyed from Southwark , where her family was living .
25 Worst of all , one auxiliary , feeding a number of people , was going up and down the rows of bowls on bed-tables with one spoon which she filled from each person 's bowl and put into each person 's mouth before going onto someone else with the same spoon to repeat the process .
26 ‘ It having been stated to Samuel Whitbread Esq. , and to me … that Mary Flint , now in the Bedford Infirmary , is in danger of death in consequence of the wounds and injuries which she received from you , we intend to take her examination at the said Infirmary on Tuesday 8th October inst. at 1 o'clock of the afternoon of which I give you this notice that you may if you think proper be present . ’
27 Large audiences gathered to hear the verse prophecies which she uttered from her bed in Mr Roberts 's lodgings nearby , swallowing occasionally ‘ very little toast in small Bear ’ .
28 Our disclosure will of course interest Fergie , who has been spending most of her time with John Bryan but undoubtedly still wears the red and black £100-apiece underwear which she bought from Janet .
29 While her mother helped her choose the famous blue engagement suit which she bought from Harrods , she asked her sisters ' friend Anna Harvey , the fashion editor of Vogue magazine , for advice on building up her formal wardrobe .
30 She was highly critical , however , of the terms under which the League of Nations was set up in 1919 , partly because the League was permitted the use of force and economic sanctions , and partly because it was committed to supporting the Versailles settlement , which she regarded from the start as an unjust and unstable peace .
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