Example sentences of "which [pron] might [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , one inexpensive precaution is to apply self-adhesive warning stickers on the glass at eye level : for example , on a patio door which someone might inadvertently walk or run into while their attention is fixed on the garden beyond .
2 My new project led me into unexplored realms of psychology which I might otherwise have ignored .
3 I know that our children by enlarge er their vocabulary does n't extend to erm what er , polysyllabic words which which might really sum up for an adult what they 've been going through , how they 've enjoyed it but what is the terrible form we had last year in seventh year , was it seven G ?
4 As you climb by the road , you see a ring of mountains to your right which you might easily take to be the Cirque de Troumouse , but this is in fact yet a third cirque , that of Estaubé , intermediate between Gavarnie and Troumouse , imposing in its own right if too withdrawn properly to enclose you , as a good cirque should .
5 He 's written you a poem in which you might well think he was describing a fox outside his window but just at the point when the fox seems most real , it might be coming through the window or it might be going into its hole , he says that the hole that this fox lives in is his head .
6 It will cover any expenses reasonably incurred and any loss of benefit which you might reasonably be expected to have had but for the dismissal .
7 If you 're going to have to find a much larger area you have to spread your net wider to find more and more sites for development which you might otherwise have been able to save from development , and there will an environmental cost , a cost to the quality of life of people living nearby because sites you might not wish to have developed must be included to find the target figure of industrial development .
8 ‘ They leave you in a certain mood , which you might not be able to explain at the time , but it gets under your skin . ’
9 JOHN CRIPPS has a few suggestions which you might not have thought of .
10 There are many other products and services available from your bank , some of which you might never need , but some of which you probably will .
11 Do n't stuff yourself with doughnuts or chocolate , or anything to which you are unaccustomed , or indeed anything to which you are accustomed but which you might suddenly be tempted to gorge in distorted amounts .
12 I think that 's a prudent way of going about things , it 's responsive t to the questions which you might possibly have read and but it does n't make over optimistic assessments about the likely savings that the council control .
13 VAN MORRISON The sombre balladeer , currently on form which you might almost describe as chirpy .
14 So she knew that in the few years since she had last been in England great changes had begun to take place from some of which she might clearly benefit .
15 The Prime Minister announced on Nov. 26 that some months earlier the Queen had asked him to consider the basis on which she might voluntarily pay tax on her personal income and also take responsibility for certain payments to additional members of the royal family ; the Prince of Wales had made a similar request with regard to the Duchy of Cornwall .
16 It seemed to me that she looked older than she was , using her age as a shield against unwelcome advances which she might secretly long for but would never permit .
17 So she may believe that her price is higher than she initially expected because of a relative demand shift in her favour , which she might just as well take advantage of by supplying more output .
18 But he stood there watching until the little car had disappeared , as though Ellen were setting off on a long and dangerous journey from which she might never return .
19 That there have occurred changes which may be described as permissive is not doubted : ‘ We have experienced a change in standards of conduct which one might also describe by reversing Caxton 's quotation .
20 At all events SLA research , though of considerable theoretical and descriptive interest , has yielded as yet nothing definitive upon which one might confidently model an approach to formal teaching which replicates the process of natural learning ( see Chapter 2 ) .
21 And it has solved the problem of accommodating Bach 's tessitura , which often extends beyond the capabilities of violin and viola , in an ingenious manner of which we might easily imagine Bach himself to have approved .
22 In any case , social prognosis is a notoriously unsafe activity , and it is one from which we might wisely refrain .
23 I wrote the above lines several years ago about a site which I visit regularly as an indication of the sort of way in which we might best approach sacred sites in the landscape .
24 I had written a particularly tear-jerking script for 1OAB 's ‘ last hour ’ for which we might well have played ‘ Hearts and Flowers ’ as an obbligato .
25 Many readers will be troubled , however , by one aspect of political integrity , which we might well take up in advance .
26 However , to avoid irrelevant uncertainties that might result from relying on assumptions about particular situations , we offer in ( 5 ) examples that actually meet the unnecessarily strict requirement of inclusion on the type level , but which we might reasonably claim as sentences that could be used by ordinary speakers in the right circumstances : ( 5 ) ( a ) some of the Buddhists were sheltered in Islamic mosques ( b ) the carnivorous leopard has much larger teeth than an antelope ( c ) after the barren desert , Kano is like a garden 7.2 It will be immediately evident that the distinction between restrictive and non-restrictive does not concern any difference of intensional structure in the narrow sense , either in the relations involved , or in the nature of the elements related .
27 It is a pity that , instead of dismissing it as non-serious , they have not devoted their knowledge and experience to exploring ways in which we might more effectively ( and granted there is plenty of evidence of bad education carried out in the name of free play ) harness this natural power for learning .
28 This picture also says forcibly some other pieces of information which we might perhaps not have guessed : that Portugal and Haiti are very poor countries , and that Trinidad is a very wealthy country , in relative terms .
29 In these colourful tales , which we might almost believe were collected from early copies of ancient Israelite boys ' comics , Samson wages a one-man war against the Philistines , who are represented as having control of the country .
30 ( b ) Does your argument suggest that we should look again at some other area , which we might now view differently ?
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