Example sentences of "which [noun] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Will the Minister respond urgently to the constructive plea that was put to him for help through which Northumberland could ease those budgetary restrictions this year and , of course , for an eventual change in that system ?
2 Among their feudal ancestors however the long time during which estates used to continue in the same family sufficiently demonstrated the general disposition of people to live within their income .
3 Constance had supervised Camille 's introduction to the children of the neighbourhood , to her own nephews and nieces and those of approved families — some in which the parents were still encouraging their infants to assist on their shoplifting expeditions had been dropped from her acquaintance , as she regarded petty larceny as common and ill-advised — and had taken her to many places deemed of interest to children which Scarlet would have found uncongenial .
4 In the meantime a slight democratising was considered , but not pursued , that of allowing the members to choose which bondholders might serve on the Committee by selecting the requisite number from a list supplied by the bondholders .
5 The extent to which authorities can achieve gains depends , of course , on their bargaining power , which in turn may be related to current ( and local ) economic conditions .
6 Therefore , while it is impossible to ‘ reduce ’ rights , status , etc. , to duties , it is possible to explain ‘ authority ’ by explaining the sense in which authorities can impose duties .
7 The initiatives which authorities should aim to develop include :
8 The service conception is a normative doctrine about the conditions under which authority is legitimate and the manner in which authorities should conduct themselves .
9 The scheme was not greatly used and was complemented by a Voluntary Advice Scheme under which solicitors would give up to half-hour 's advice for a fiat fee of £1 paid by the client irrespective of means .
10 ‘ There should be a much higher threshold at which solicitors would need to consult the board .
11 They also raised for consideration the possibility of reducing the period beyond the end of the accounting year in which solicitors must submit their report from 6 to 3 months .
12 I know not , it may be that Mr is saying this is something that that never it 's never I 've never understood it to be er part of my practice or part of any solicitors practice to offer such a and if we have a solicitor er who has constantly practised in his skills for a very lengthy period of time , that is saying oh yes it is because this , as far as I 'm concerned , standard advice which solicitors should give to clients transactions .
13 Erm it 's one of life 's conundrums , there are of course answers which solicitors should know about .
14 Concessions contained within the agreement include the reduction in the number of days on which firing can take place , the replacement of high explosive high artillery rounds with training rounds by September 1998 and the exclusion of training from 400 acres of land at Quintin 's Man and Rough Tor .
15 Contestants would engage in three types of contest : close combat , in which knights would fight on foot with blunted daggers , swords or spears ; jousting or tilting , in which mounted knights on either side of a low barrier would charge each other with blunted lances ; and contests of skill in which mounted knights would attempt to skewer rings from posts .
16 There was a small gallery at one end which musicians would use and , at the other , against a wooden panelled wall , the dais and high table .
17 There 's an article of the Constitution which lays down the fields with which Parliament may concern itself .
18 Others , however , think it proper to speak of the intention of Parliament , in the sense of ‘ the meaning which Parliament must have intended the words to convey . ’
19 But it could only be done if there was this general agreement about the direction in which democracy in Britain should develop and about the role which Parliament should play .
20 That is a matter of social policy with which Parliament can deal by appropriate legislation if it wishes to do so .
21 There are , at any given time , laws which Parliament will render it profoundly unpopular throughout the electorate or even , more particularly , its own party .
22 Although before the Courts Act 1971 in theory it could be claimed that government was ultimately responsible for the running of the courts , in practice responsibility was so diffused between local authorities , the High Sheriffs and Under Sheriffs of counties , and the judiciary , that there was no real way in which Parliament could call anyone to account .
23 The balance between , on the one hand , presumptions as to freedom of contract and the protection of private property rights unless due compensation is paid , and the overall direction of the planning system is a complex one on which opinions may differ .
24 Decorated metalwork and pottery can , in addition , be studied by the measurement of elements in designs to determine which objects may have been made at the same source , using the same tools , or even by the same craftsman .
25 If evolutionary studies provided a vertical dimension within which objects could signify the development of societies , this was complemented by the growth of diffusionary studies in which the horizontal distribution of objects over the globe was thought to be further evidence for the movements of both peoples and ideas , for example , from origins in ancient Egypt or Germany .
26 So how can we predict for a given metal which case will apply ?
27 Professor Hoskins perceived the compulsion under which labourers might enter the world of the money wage and the cash purchase when he assessed the impact of " agricultural improvement " on the village of Wigston in Leicestershire .
28 Do n't worry if you have n't , as our Tarot computer will select a number for you from which Frances will make her reading .
29 Do n't worry if you have n't , as our Tarot computer will select a number for you from which Frances will make her reading .
30 It is a conclusion about an almost psychiatric effect ( and comfort ) offered by serious drama which Aristotle would have had much sympathy with .
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