Example sentences of "which [noun] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 BROOD parasites and their hosts are thought to engage in a coevolutionary arms race in which parasitism selects for adaptive defences by the host ( such as egg rejection ) , which in turn select for counter-adaptations by the parasite ( such as egg mimicry ) .
2 Only one in 100 workers in California 's fields is a union member , although many farm employers now provide the health benefits which Chavez fought for .
3 The closed-loop input impedance is easily found as To find the closed-loop output impedance , a source , is considered to be connected to the input in which case Assuming for simplicity that the feedback network negligibly loads the output and so from which the closed-loop output impedance is If further as is often the case ,
4 Fascinated Athelstan watched the strange hand signs which Philippa translated for him .
5 The survey looked at which cities cater for cyclists and covered everything from parking facilities to potholes .
6 This grouping sought to oppose the civil rights programme in which Truman called for the establishment of a more powerful Fair Employment Practices Commission , a law to make lynching a Federal crime , and the removal of obstacles preventing blacks from voting .
7 People staying in Les Menuires are spoilt for choice when deciding which direction to take for the day 's skiing .
8 Modules in which competences required for occupations in a biology context are developed .
9 Modules in which competences required for occupations in a chemistry context are developed .
10 Modules in which competences required for occupations in a physics context are developed .
11 This technique shows the entities most likely to be mentioned by the reader and , hence , indicates which entities predominate for various reasons .
12 The characteristics of the controlled authority are in some ways those of the classic bureaucracy , in which rules provide for all cases of need .
13 The beginning of that evolution is usually dated to the constitution which Solon produced for the city in or around the year 594 BC.Solon 's intervention was itself the outcome of a period of conflict between " the masse and " the notable , according to the account given by Aristotle in The Athenian Constitution .
14 Even if Europeans could agree on which institution to rely for their future defence , would Europe 's armies be ready for a fray ?
15 The alacrity with which northerners enlisted for military service whenever warfare flared up on the Border speaks for itself .
16 But in the end , the whole of side one and Revelation from side two of ‘ Talk To Your Daughter ’ were culled from demos which Robben cut for the record company .
17 Benjamin 's parent 's home was created by Richard Sylbert on a sound stage , but the underwater sequences , which Dustin practised for a week , were shot in a real outside pool with a glass wall for photographic purposes .
18 He or she may — and probably will — possess a more subtle view of ‘ professionalism ’ than the capacity to deliver examination results , but at the same time it is well known that many parents and politicians see those results as the crucial way by which schools account for their success or failure .
19 as if the fancy and unnecessary packaging which manufacturers use for Christmas gifts is not enough , we then destroy a few more forests to encase them in acres and acres of wrapping paper .
20 Voluntary arrangements under the terms of Part VIII of the Insolvency Act 1986 provide for individuals a procedure akin to that which administration provides for companies .
21 That left him deciding for a long time which club to use for his third shot .
22 To think that he , a mere footie fan whose main worry used to be which trainers to don for the teen-mag centrespread , should bravely take on lyrical biggies like politics , passion , life , death , apathy , religion , hope , irony and despair .
23 We have already seen evidence of this in Zande witchcraft beliefs with their eager concern to assimilate and ‘ naturalize ’ new information so that it is consistent with the basic assumptions which Zande take for granted .
24 Which piece to use for which course .
25 The shrunken personal emptiness in an arid landscape , the hungering after other men 's experience , and the combined fear and fascination which Gerontion feels for threatening rebirth seem to grow , partly at least , from Eliot 's own situation .
26 The rule enunciated earlier about which variables to control for is quite general and extends to any number of variables .
27 Learning exactly which proportions to calculate in a contingency table , which variables to control for by looking within their categories , and which to ignore by collapsing over their categories , takes some practice .
28 Details are given below under Teaching , but it is worth mentioning here the training course in French law at the University of Aix/ Marseille , for which scholarships have for some years been offered by the Cultural Service of the French Embassy , 22 Wilton Crescent , London SW1 .
29 It did not look at rape as a social problem nor did it have regard to the difficulties which rape poses for the criminal justice system .
30 None of the television which Boy watched for so many hours made sense in a conventional way , because he watched television as if it was one continuous programme .
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