Example sentences of "or through [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 A good deal can be achieved inexpensively through repair ( for instance of tom or loose pages ) or through the simple expedient of cleaning laminated covers .
32 ‘ But we believe a secure future can best be achieved by continuing to take full advantage of the collective marketing strength of producers , whether acting voluntarily or through the current statutory scheme , ’ he said .
33 Even when there was freedom to choose between various options , set books and so on , the menu itself was not open to negotiation , except in the special case of ‘ Mode 3 ’ , or through the protracted process of making representations to the Examination Boards .
34 You can find out more from the Bond and Share Society ( secretary Peter Duppa-Miller on 0305-262697 ) or through the largest UK dealer Michael Veissid ( 06944-268 ) .
35 You can find out more from the Bond and Share Society ( secretary Peter Duppa-Miller on 0305-262697 ) or through the largest UK dealer Michael Veissid ( 06944-268 ) .
36 You can find out more from the Bond and Share Society ( secretary Peter Duppa-Miller on 0305-262697 ) or through the largest UK dealer Michael Veissid ( 06944-268 ) .
37 Now that the causal effect of such life events has been established , the research effort is turning to ask how an event such as unemployment has its effect : is it through the loss of social esteem , through the decline of self-evaluation and self-esteem , through lack of cash or through the sheer effect of inactivity ( Eales 1986 ) ?
38 Unfortunately they may also prove a hindrance if BSL is presented only as manual English , through the tutor 's adherence to English or through the other necessity of providing English syntax for deaf people one is in contact with , since ‘ it will help their English ’ .
39 This also models sound reflections off or through the other objects in the virtual world .
40 Ships are loaded either direct from lorries via mobile elevators or through the terminal silos .
41 Nowadays , nearly every young person has probably had some experience of basic improvisation at their school or through the extensive TIE ( Theatre in Education ) tours .
42 He could have learned who had perpetrated the deed either from Andrus or through the ordinary gossip of the bazaars .
43 This need not necessarily be for the pure career-orientated reasons suggested by Niskanen — whether teachers or social workers have suggested policy changes that increase expenditure for pure self-interest or through the genuine altruistic belief that a greater supply of their services will benefit their society , such groups have occupied central roles in the expansion of their services
44 I much prefer the system of devolved power to individual schools either by their becoming grant-maintained schools or through the local management of schools .
45 The girl herself , whether having imbibed the traditions of her family , or through the physical bond created by cohabiting , through no fault of her own , with this man , has become attached to her uncle , and while longing to be with her mother considers herself in some sense bound to him by family arrangements as if she were indeed married to him .
46 Contact your local bell-ringing group via the nearest reference library or bell tower , or through the weekly The Ringing World , ( editor , David Thorne , Penmark House , Woodbridge Meadows , Guildford GU1 1BL , 0483 69535 ) .
47 A further five million civilians were killed ( a great number of them in Russia ) because of direct military intervention or through the indirect and insidious side effects of famine and disease .
48 Fragmentation takes place where blocks of low-income poor housing and their associated populations are broken up and dispersed , either through deliberate slum clearance and dispersal of population , as in the late nineteenth century ( Stedman Jones , 1971 ) ; or by the decentralizing effects of the policies of earlier post-war years , overspill outer estates and new towns ; or through the later processes of ‘ gentrification ’ ( Glass , 1964 ) — a term first used by Ruth Glass but popularized in the late 1970s — i.e. the emergence of new wealthy areas as in Islington or Docklands and the displacement of the poorer local population , likely to be further encouraged by the impact of the poll tax .
49 All over Europe sailors had been accustomed to drawing a meridian through a point in their own country or through the furthest point to the west out in the Atlantic that they could determine with any certainty , and English sailors had usually taken their fixed meridian from a point west of the Lizard ( the last promontory of land they could see as they left the English Channel ) .
50 The members of an organisation acting qua members can unanimously amend or even terminate an international organisation , either in accordance with an amendment clause or through the formal or informal conclusion of a subsequent international agreement .
51 The Congress announced after 10 days of debate that " while emphasizing its adherence to Libyan penal and procedural laws the General People 's Committee [ equivalent to a Council of Ministers ] do not object to the investigation and trial being carried out through the committee of seven constituted by the Arab League [ see p. 38883 ] or through the United Nations before a just and fair court to be agreed on " .
52 Yet they all certainly benefit from the much closer coordination of industry and finance , whether this is through preferential interest rates from a number of different banks or through the advisory functions of their main lenders .
53 With the notable exception of Britain most of them in one way or another involved the banks , either directly or through the fashionable device of the crédit mobilier , a sort of industrial finance company which regarded the orthodox banks as insufficiently suited to or interested in industrial financing and competed with them .
54 At the same time , most people regard what is taught in schools ( either in the ‘ official ’ curriculum , or through the unofficial , ‘ hidden ’ curriculum ) , as the essential feature of an educational system .
55 If she does make a noise you probably wo n't shoot her , and anyway there 's a chance she could n't make enough of a noise to be heard outside the front door ; it 's a big house and although there are a lot of hard , sound-reflective surfaces in it , you 're not convinced a scream would make it all the way to whoever 's outside , either down the stairwell or through the double-glazed balcony windows .
56 The process of drawing inferences from non-experimental data is usually one of slowly elaborating a relationship between two variables , testing that it contains no spurious component due to the operation of a prior variable , and testing to see if one can pin down whether the cause influences the effect directly or through an intervening variable .
57 FSA does not apply if the principal is not an authorised person , is for certain types of investment and the principal will enter into the transaction with or through an authorised person
58 Investors in futures will not normally require authorisation provided that they deal as principal and with or through an authorised futures broker or dealer .
59 I am to inform you , that you may , if you wish , attend the inquiry , and at the Inspectors discretion state your case in person or through an accredited representative .
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