Example sentences of "or not [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless Stavrogin does contemplate suicide , and the notebook entry ‘ to be or not to be ’ bears the date 16 August , so it belongs to the summer when the ‘ tendentious ’ political story gets tugged back into great-sinner orbit , growing physically and imaginatively larger and more formidable all the time .
2 So the novel frees Stavrogin from ‘ to be or not to be ’ and all other trammels of the notebooks , and transfers them to Kirillov .
3 Commodities : AFBD problem : to be or not to be
4 The first was The Country House : To Be or Not To Be , produced with Kit Martin .
5 He proffered a modern translation of Hamlet 's ‘ To be , or not to be ’ .
6 He proffered a modern translation of Hamlet 's ‘ To be , or not to be ’ .
7 HAMLET : To be , or not to be : that is the question : Whether ‘ t is nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune , Or to take arms against a sea of troubles , And by opposing end them ?
8 In many cases , as where the persons entitled are not of age , or not yet in existence , or not to be found , an executor or administrator will have to retain the property in his hands for a considerable time , though he may sometimes relieve himself by a payment or transfer into court , and in any case he can obtain the direction of the courts when doubts arise as to the proper course which he should take .
9 ‘ To be or not to be — ’ ’
10 Science fiction thus illustrates a principle of all drama : it is a confrontation between normality and abnormality , security and insecurity , known and unknown , to be or not to be !
11 That is : ‘ To be or not to be ’ .
12 Sometimes executives have , in effect , a choice as to whether or not to be dismissed .
14 ‘ To be , or not to be — that is the question ; ’
15 Thus , not to act or not to be able to act decisively against the ban in the first place seriously questioned the professional association 's ability to take a firm position on the vital matter of unhindered access to legitimate publications .
16 Moreover , not to act or not to be able to act decisively , seriously weakened the resolve of members in making a choice between professional standards and employers ' decisions .
18 Shall I give you my ‘ To be or not to be ’ ? ’
19 She did n't know whether or not to be disappointed .
20 To be or not to be .
21 I would remind Ben that I put up To Bolt or Not To Be , a widely recognised 8b/c , in November 1986 ; that I have since climbed more than 20 routes of this level or more ; that I repeated the roof at Volx fairly easily in 1990 ; and that I have since put up two more 8cs — Huevos in 1991 and Macoumba Club recently at Orgon — in addition to Just Do It .
22 The King , who had not forgotten the sermons of Andrewes , told Parliament that ‘ Princes are not bound to give account of their actions but to God alone ’ and that ‘ Parliaments are altogether in my power for their calling , sitting and dissolution ; as I find the fruits of them to be good or evil they are to continue or not to be . ’
23 He recited ‘ To be or not to be ’ .
24 He went to one party where Cole Porter played the piano , Judy Garland sang and , invited to follow that , the young Welsh unknown blenched not , stood forward and slammed the room silent with ‘ To be or not to be ’ spoken in Welsh .
25 Thus , if insider dealing enables ‘ everything known about the company whether public or not to be reflected in the price of that company 's shares ’ then investors ( outsiders ) are unlikely to undertake investments ‘ blind-sided ’ by developments not yet reflected in the current prices of the shares .
26 BMC access officer Bill Wright has ascertained that the caves to be ( or not to be ? ) blown up lie below and to the side of the main embankments of Hodge .
27 When I was a little lad I always thought that the dilemma to be or not to be had something to do with choosing pencils ( surely 2B or not 2B ? ! )
28 The legs are flailing wildly — tiny stretches of insect flesh — no thicker than a hair to my naked eye , but obviously larger than life to this poor , wretched creature , who had the misfortune to interrupt my writing of the BBC WILDLIFE Nature Essay 1991 to ( or not to be ) .
29 But the essential distinction remains : whether the court should positively order treatment to be given or not to be given , or whether it should do no more than consider whether or not to authorise it , where authority is needed .
30 To be , or not to be — that is the question …
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