Example sentences of "or in her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But you see my explanation may be that because of that erm the , the onset of post-natal depression is slightly postponed because erm the mother needs a signal from the baby or in her breasts signal that will then start changes in her breast tissue which will produce milk when the time comes .
2 I think she had two-thirds of her first album composed or in her head when she was with us . ’
3 She spent the rest of her ‘ ninety years of aggressively independent living ’ 9 with only the consistent company of a pack of fox-terriers , alternatively at her Yorkshire cottage perched precariously on the edge of a cliff or in her Chelsea studio overlooking the river .
4 She sat in the kitchen or in her boudoir .
5 Her life was uneventful , so that what she thought about naturally was what she saw with her eyes , or in her mind 's eye .
6 Or in her throat ?
7 Another noise , a continuous whistle , very faint and high , she could n't decide was in the walls or in her ears .
8 From being a relatively happy , if somewhat timid , little girl Maxine became shy and secretive and spent many hours playing alone , either in the garden or in her bedroom .
9 Usually she tried to evade such duties , by hanging around in the bathroom or in her bedroom ; she loathed the tedious , repetitive business of the house .
10 She now works for herself part-time as a mobile hairdresser , undertaking work at home or in her clients ' own homes .
11 She has little in her mind or in her mouth other than platitudes .
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