Example sentences of "or how it be " in BNC.

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1 I also do n't know where this is going to end , or how it 's going to end .
2 I realise that all this is a jumble , and does n't explain why my anorexia started , or how it is easing , but this is the stage I 'm at right now .
3 However , it soon became clear that , not only are Indian gaols so varied that to describe any one is to create a false picture , but a description of ‘ conditions ’ alone would give readers outside India little real insight into the country 's prison system or how it is experienced by inmates .
4 Now comes the second step , the act of measurement itself , the ascertaining where the electron is or how it is moving .
5 Rochester & Martin 1977 , 1979 ; Källgren , 1979 ) , the analysis of the ‘ product ’ , i.e. the printed text itself , does not involve any consideration of how the product is produced or how it is received .
6 Hunting is very complicated and most people do not know about hunting or how it is done so they do n't like it and say that it is cruel .
7 We got our heads right round it , whereas before , like , half the time we was n't even bothered what was recorded or how it was done , it was always bang , get a groove , put it down and see what we can do with it later . ’
8 It literally means a rug manufactured in the Orient , and could legitimately be applied to any rug of oriental origin , regardless of its appearance or how it was made .
9 It identified the components of the bomb — not who made it or how it was put aboard Flight 103 .
10 Indeed , it is worth emphasising that from the seller 's point of view , he is simply receiving ‘ money ’ ; he has no way of knowing when , where or how it was created .
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