Example sentences of "or [Wh det] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because the person being regressed may have to face something which was either traumatic at the time or which seemed trivial but has had a long-lasting subconscious effect , the whole subject needs careful and skilful handling .
2 Simulation of geographical systems is not necessarily motivated by considerations of cost or avoidance of hazard , but more by the desire to experiment on systems that are either too slow-acting relative to the human life-span or which present ethical problems to the would-be experimenter .
3 Once , it was a pop cliche that the records which mattered most to you were the ones which marked your earliest sexual encounters or which signposted key events in your adolescence .
4 However the tests applied are sufficiently broad to catch material which encourages the use of dangerous drugs or which advocates criminal violence .
5 Electronics designers will need to follow some rules of thumb , many of which will be familiar , such as mains filtration , adopting a sensible grounding policy , minimising ground impedance , minimising cable lengths , screening cables which are carrying high frequency , large magnitude signals or which contain sensitive signals , and grouping cables to separate the sensitive from the interfering .
6 More difficult to assess is the toxic reaction of an odour , that is an effect ‘ which may influence survival or which produces unfavourable changes in the gross and microscopic appearance of organs or tissues or in the entire organism ’ .
7 The race was only open to vehicles which ran on unorthodox fuels , or which had internal combustion engines modified for greater energy efficiency .
8 There is close co-operation with other departments in the Faculty , so that research which involves international or European law , or other branches of law , or which has theoretical dimensions , may also be pursued .
9 Researchers and students alike should not be put off , as Morton was not , by roads which seem to lead nowhere , or which seem dangerous to travel along .
10 By political I mean those cases which arise out of controversial legislation or controversial action initiated by public authorities , or which touch important moral or social issues .
11 Thorndyke inserted another statement further on in the passage which was either neutral with respect to possible inferences or which supported particular inferences .
12 Certain medical conditions , such as being HIV positive , or which need particular kinds of medication , may make breastfeeding inadvisable .
13 VARIABLES — Characteristics , attributes or qualities that can vary in magnitude among individual cases or which have different categories are referred to as variables in statistical analyses where , usually , their relationship ( for example , between education of mothers and the number of children ever born to them ) is studied .
14 9.1 For goods which are manufactured by the Seller or which bear one of the Seller 's trade marks , the Seller grants the following guarantee :
15 ( Or whatever feels appropriate and right for you . )
16 His Journal records his disgust with the " savage ignorance and wickedness " of the Newcastle colliers who assembled on Sundays to " dance , fight , curse and swear and play at chuck-ball , span-farthing , or whatever came next to hand " .
17 Well again er I would say conditions were were terrible as far as I was concerned , er a as far as tea breaks and what have you were concerned , you did n't have any what we would call official tea breaks , you simply took your chances and made a cup of tea and hid behind a bulkhead or whatever to drink this , er if you got caught by the foreman or the manager or somebody , then you were more or less bagged on the spot .
18 I , I do n't know about you three , I would be prepared to pay an extra penny in my tax or whatever to make sure those poor sods are not in that street .
19 They also do not know what is going on or what to do next .
20 Unfortunately , we did n't play well together on that particular day , I do n't really know why , or what went wrong ; perhaps it was nerves from playing in a large hall in London .
21 Just imagine what a seven foot gauge ‘ King ’ or ‘ Castle ’ , built out to the full loading gauge , could have achieved or what speeds modern diesel and electric seven foot trains might attain !
22 The big supermarkets , or what seemed big supermarkets then , which disfigured numerous high streets in the 1960s , have now been replaced by a much larger generation of stores .
23 For instance , there is no exploration of whether gender identity can be constructed in this way or what told these people that they were not the ’ right ’ sex .
24 No-one knows for certain where she was going or what happened that summer of 1983 .
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