Example sentences of "or [that] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Although individual consent was of central importance to Hobbes , he did not believe that the authority of law rested on the fact that it promoted a desirable objective or that it reflected a profound truth .
2 This has no application when the type of substantive error is that the tribunal was improperly constituted , or that it made an order which it was not empowered to make .
3 Did that exhibition suggest to you that Pop Art was a thrusting and lively activity with a relevance in contemporary art , or that it had become a comfortable and nostalgic moment in art history ?
4 The project was approved at ministerial level because it had been decided that the contract either did not significantly enhance Iraq 's military capability or that it had been signed before December , 1984 .
5 Those were his heroes , and you can look at it like thy had a defeatist attitude or were grotesquely self-indulgent — or that it enabled them to have the art .
6 When , with colleagues in the Department of Social Administration , I interviewed members of the divorcing population , they argued passionately that divorce was too easy ( or too difficult ) ; that everything was rushed through before they had time to think ( or that it dragged on interminably ) ; and that divorce should be morally neutral ( or that there should be an inquest in which every detail of their spouse 's despicable conduct was exposed to public view ) .
7 Thirdly , it is doubtful whether the General Strike could be regarded as the watershed in British labour history , which it is sometimes claimed to be , or that it changed in any significant form the pattern of industrial relations .
8 In either case , an unauthorised practitioner will have committed a criminal offence under the Financial Services Act , and pleading that he did it only once or that it happened by accident is not going to impress anyone .
9 She had n't noticed before quite how dark his hair was , or that it curled slightly against his collar .
10 This means either that the utterance of [ 14a ] was not a case of genuine communication or that it did in fact achieve relevance .
11 Although the civil rights strategy could not have been adopted by republicans without the approval of the leadership of the IRA — and Roy Johnston stressed the importance of its involvement in the Maghera meeting of 1966 — — this does not mean that the army council initiated the setting up of NICRA or that it paid any detailed attention to the work being done by republicans within the association .
12 Society might judge that this severely reduced the welfare of citizens in remote areas or that it promoted regional dissent which reduced the sense of national unity .
13 Whether this means that life originated just once , or that it originated many times , each origin acquiring a different code , but that one origin gave rise to more successful competitors , we do not know .
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