Example sentences of "or [vb infin] and [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Befriending schemes have been established so that , where it is desirable , students with special educational needs can be accompanied by a volunteer helper who will interpret or explain and assist as necessary .
2 The immediate problem , like that of 1923 , was whether to resign at once or wait and meet Parliament .
3 If these conditions are satisfied , the party suffering from mental disorders , on recovering his sanity , or those entitled to act on his behalf , may repudiate or confirm and enforce the contract .
4 Chris always ends his visits by asking children not to disturb or try and touch snakes they may find in the wild .
5 You can decide later whether to let it out or try and lose some weight .
6 Therefore , if you allow each kilometre four minutes on phase A you can either trot OR walk and canter .
7 He had the kind of hutzpah and powerful personality combined with a musical and intelligence that one could either resent strongly or admire and take on board . ’
8 Would the Germans withdraw or stand and fight ?
9 Diana wondered whether to sit there or leave and let them make their farewells in private .
10 If you are rejected the most constructive thing you can do is to phone or write and ask for the reasons why .
11 Users could either join in or sit and do nothing .
12 The baths provided warm rooms in winter , as in the large , moderately heated room ( the tepidarium ) , and cool , shady gardens in summer , where strollers could walk or sit and relax under the roofed peristyles which surrounded the open courts .
13 I had instantly buried the intense feelings hoping that with time they would decompose or reform and grow into normal healthy heterosexual longings .
14 ‘ You mean that you can believe or not believe , that there 's a positive and negative side to everything , that it depends on how you look at it , that you can honour and accept or despise and reject .
15 When you are around 50 yards from the green , there is often a dilemma for the golfer in deciding whether to pitch or chip and run .
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