Example sentences of "or [pos pn] [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The press have been decent about it for years ; even the Opposition has n't suggested that his attitudes affected my credibility or my wife 's .
2 it 's , or , or my driver 's capability that worry me
3 The implications were that I had no physical characteristics of my own , but that in the same way as I ‘ had ’ my father 's nose , or my grandmother 's eyes , I somehow inhabited a body which was not mine but a replica of my mother 's , and over which , therefore , I had no control .
4 It is n't mine , or my shepherd 's .
5 However , erm this is the first chance I 've had to speak today so I ca n't take all the blame of the er , of the , of the late start , erm I do n't know whether it would make it any easier to the my colleagues on my right or my left erm to accept the Liberal resolution .
6 I felt that this conversation was adding little to my , or my listeners ' , knowledge of how to buy a coffin , so I thanked him kindly for his time and said goodbye .
7 It might be the IB 's problem but it 's not mine or my team 's problem ’ .
8 So , although I am genetically related to my mother 's brother 's , or my mother 's siblings ' children or my father 's siblings ' children , the fact is , the siblings of both groups are genetically related to each other .
9 So , although I am genetically related to my mother 's brother 's , or my mother 's siblings ' children or my father 's siblings ' children , the fact is , the siblings of both groups are genetically related to each other .
10 Service points which have acquired a reputation for losing books — whether through their own or their public 's machinations — are to be avoided .
11 is , is , in London and we deal with the British Section which is are the particular bits , but the prisoners have to be vatted and looked at and found by the International Secretaires , then they 're passed on to British Section who pass them on to us and a great deal of research goes into making sure that they really are truly prisoners of conscience , that they 've been in prison for some er possibly because of their belief or religion or their race erm and they 've not taken or advocated violence not taken part in or advocated violence and then , then they are full prisoners of conscience erm we maybe allocated them .
12 or their wife 's tits ?
13 Or their wife 's tits
14 In higher grade cases , some Down 's people have undergone operations , either at their own or their parents ' instigation , to alter the physical characteristics which have become a stigma for them .
15 Adults will watch the sexual emergence of their offspring , or their friends ' offspring , with a mixture of satisfaction , anxiety and envy .
16 There were also others who felt that they had to stop work because of their own or their spouse 's ill health .
17 In fact , many people are effectively tied to rural areas because of their own or their spouse 's occupation , and residential choice is not free as envisaged in the theoretical residential decision-making models .
18 There are dispensations from the Secretary of State for the Environment for Councillors , , , , and because either of their own or their spouse 's employment in the Health Service .
19 ‘ Just the act of having to leave their fiefdoms , get into a car , and be driven to the White House was a powerful reminder to every member of the cabinet that it was the president 's business they were about , not theirs or their department 's constituents . ’
20 Helicopters dropped experts onto unsuspecting villages in Nepal ; Tunisian women were coerced into buses to have loops inserted without explanation ; African women were given contraceptive injections against their or their husbands ' wills .
21 They suddenly worried about their jobs , or their mortgages , or their children 's schooling .
22 And just as those who are young feel the need to talk about and prepare for earlier important events , such as their wedding , or their children 's christenings , it is quite normal and not at all macabre for some old people to want to look ahead and plan for the ritual and display of family love and unity that will take place on the day of their departure from this world .
23 But when many people die from known carcinogenic work-conditions or their employer 's refusal to put right unsafe equipment , machinery , or buildings , this is normally seen as a ‘ disaster ’ , even though their deaths were easily avoidable .
24 In addition , it seems likely that some , at least , of those who choose to opt out of the state or their employer 's scheme may end up dependant on state benefits at a later date , as the benefits from the money purchase schemes are unpredictable for both employee and dependants .
25 This means that whatever a lecturer 's status as an authority in his or her own epistemic community , the lecturer also has to possess as a successful teacher the authority to manage effectively his or her students ' learning .
26 A Russian worker , on finishing his or her day 's work will usually exclaim shabash ! — ‘ it 's done ’ .
27 A parent may interpose in or dominate his or her child 's marriage to satisfy personal need regardless of the child 's feelings .
28 There is little point in trying to transmit a professional 's " feel " for something to a parent who is anxious about his or her child 's education but does not know very much about the intricacies of teaching and learning .
29 For a Christian , death is the end of an individual 's physical existence on this earth , but not the end of that person and his or her life 's journey .
30 The normal way of classifying a child is by his Or her father 's profession , and this is essentially all we have to go on in this case .
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