Example sentences of "or [vb base] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once a bank purchases such bills it can hold the bills to maturity or sell them in a secondary market to any other bank(s) .
2 And carry them , either carry them , or push them on a two-wheeled trolley , all through the round the lace market to 's , and various other And if I were lucky , and the 's van was going round the lace market , and I 'd got three or four parcels , I used to go with little Tommy and his horse and van , round the lace market , and he was delivering dress goods then .
3 There is nothing essentially new in thus narrowing the scope of will ; most of mankind throughout most of its history seems to have taken it for granted that they were moved by forces from beyond them and mysterious to them , which might lift them above or drag them below the capacities of which they might presume to be in command ( in Christian theology , the unpredictable visitations of divine grace assisting a will otherwise impotent to resist the Devil ) , and in the present century , ever since Freud demonstrated that the same conception of man could be translated from a religious into a psychological language , we have found ourselves thinking our way back to it .
4 Situations in which they can prove useful are in small and/or lightly-stocked tanks , and rearing tanks where feeding is rather heavy and regular , as long as the turnover rate is not too high so as to stress the young fish or drag them into the filter .
5 This is how they are currently treated when we use them as research tools or slaughter them for consumption at our tables .
6 You should be able to buy these books at a bookshop or borrow them from a library .
7 Traps should wither kill them instantly or confine them for release elsewhere .
8 Removal of British troops from Northern Ireland or confine them to barracks .
9 Defoe in 1730 had considered a poor man in constant work could earn from 4s to 5s ( 20-25p ) a week , " which will barely purchase bread and cheese and clothes for his family , so that if he falls sick or dies his wife and children infallibly come to the parish for relief , who allow them a small pittance or confine them in a workhouse " .
10 The judge also had to consider a submission made by the mother that the return of the children ( if ordered ) would expose them to a ‘ grave risk of physical or psychological harm or place them in an intolerable situation ’ within the terms of paragraph ( b ) of article 13 .
11 fifty pence each , right , erm , and er fill in the slips and either bring them back to us or send them off yourself to Headquarters , shall I put , I 'll put those out for anybody who feel they could sell them , it all , it all helps to raise money for Amnesty and helps to get them erm spend the money on the new prisoner 's .
12 Please pass on your ideas — whether they 're articles , photographs , or cartoons — to your local correspondent or send them to me directly at Key Street , and do not hesitate to telephone on with any suggestions you may have .
13 But these are not just shoelaces — use them to be different ; plait , twist , braid or cord them for a variety of looks and purposes , from bracelets , necklaces , hair bands , bag cords or to brighten up a pair of trainers .
14 er to consider , as to whether whether it would be appropriate to invite the winning schools for er to bring a party in or involve them in the erm Gala Day or e I mean i erm or the open day or something .
15 Or grow them in hyacinth glasses .
16 As new treatments and technologies proliferate and new needs are identified these demands escalate , but even as early as 1954 , the then Minister for Health , Enoch Powell , discovered that it became a " positive ethical duty for ( providers ) to beseige and bombard the government and force or shame them into providing more money … and then more again " ( Powell 1966 ) .
17 They are all conscious thoughts and once you have experimented with them you 'll be able to adopt your favourites or replace them with your own .
18 With increasing pressure for storage space , today 's director faces a choice : keep the horns or replace them with more scientifically valuable material .
19 At an appropriate stage before page make-up , the system must identify all ‘ soft ’ hyphens , flag them as errors , and require users to delete them , or replace them with ‘ hard ’ hyphens .
20 Using the notion that is particularly associated with representative government , of a new minister with explicit policy commitments , attention has been given to the pressures that frustrate such commitments , or replace them by commitments derived from other sources .
21 Why did the banks cheerfully lend billions to a man who would never open the family books or provide them with a balance sheet ?
22 If you can keep your characters partially obscured , or fly them behind the enemy lines and out of his fire arcs then so much the better .
23 take your boots off ( if indoors ) and rub your feet with your hands or warm them on someone else 's tummy ( this really sorts out your friends and do n't worry you ca n't catch verrucae this way ) .
24 I found the wire loops , though , having seen the boys set them , and I tore them out or put them under the grass on the paths the boys used to take when they came to inspect their traps .
25 Managers were encouraged by corporate head office to eradicate such excesses at the work-outs , not to refer them to committees or put them through the proper channels .
26 and they 're doing it again and again and again , it suits them , it suits the ones that are really rich to have ordinary people struggling like that and it suits them not to have that two hundred pounds a week going in to help those people and they 're the people who it suits who will decide whether that two hundred pounds a week goes to help on the mortgage or put them into what is it , a bed and , a bed and breakfast ?
27 Yes , erm , that 's right , or put them on the
28 But when we come to look at the cluster and the and the audience contact then then you know we may see something a little bit different , Okay but er those are the important aspects things like things like whoops the use of the hands you know several people put their hands in their pockets or put them behind their back or something like that .
29 Some furnishings , pot-holders and ornaments have a very strong-smelling varnish coating , particularly cheap bamboo products with a glossy surface If you have any items of this sort , banish them or put them in an airtight container .
30 Dispose of dirty nappies by flushing them down the toilet , or put them in a sealed plastic bag .
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