Example sentences of "that will be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Amazingly , no one has yet worked out what the effect of that will be on Ford 's operation .
2 That will be on top of the £200 million for the current year and £500 million for next announced in the last Autumn Statement .
3 That will be with Andy Smith .
4 But that will be for psychological rather than physiological reasons .
5 That will be for Crilly .
6 If it can , good will come out of the traumas that our colleague has suffered and that will be for the good of potential victims .
7 That will be to you better than a light and safer than a known way ’ .
8 ‘ The last four home games are all against good footballing sides — Aston Villa , Liverpool , Manchester United and Leeds — and I think that will be to our advantage . ’
9 That will be of real practical benefit to professions worldwide . ’
10 It is the differences between the two movements , however , that will be of more interest to us here .
11 I hope that that will be of some help to my right hon. and hon. Friends .
12 That will be of great service to pedestrians .
13 I think that will be of better use this time er
14 I hope that will be of benefit to the entire town .
15 That will be at ten sharp . ’
16 The works of Hamilton which eventually appear on CD-ROM will be open to basic text retrieval but that will be about all .
17 Right and again ten years , monthly premium , and that will be about the same , about ten pounds a month , something like that ?
18 ‘ We believe there 's a Class 46 at the Technical Centre in Derby and that will be worth having a look at , ’ he added , although , with RFS sub-contracting in the Channel Tunnel , BR are now likely to take an increasingly dim view about selling off withdrawn Class 20s , another Knotty target .
19 Er of the other seventy percent , er about twenty five percent of that will be from bought in finished material , from companies in the U K.
20 And for that reason , need , local need , should be catered for , unemployment sh obviously should be catered for but a growth strategy which seeks to double the allocation without any justification is inevitably going to lead to one of two things , it is going to draw in in economic activity from outside , and it is likely that that will be from areas of regeneration , or it will lead to commuting .
21 Later still he may train himself to eradicate the desire or aversion itself , releasing himself from one causally necessary condition of facing facts , so that the formula is no longer directly applicable ; but that will be in the service of other ends , and unless he can discover some new way of validating them these too will be spontaneous goals selected from the rest by thinking within the frame of the same formula .
22 What I do stress is that the judge should approach the exercise of the discretion with a predilection to give effect to the child 's wishes on the basis that prima facie that will be in his or her best interests .
23 I share the hon. and learned Gentleman 's view that if we can avoid a vacuum , that will be in the interests of a democratic society .
24 Okay Douglas all that will be in writing to you .
25 But that will be in together or not ?
26 That will be in Oxford .
27 One is that that registered disabled employees and we will be bringing forward further proposals on initiatives to you at the next meeting , and I hope that if you agree , that will be amongst other things with the issue of non-registered disabled employees , and the other consideration in looking at movements in targets and so on , is inevitably the whole job market situation and the opportunities for achieving that .
28 But that will be after the demise of the Wiltshire County Council .
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