Example sentences of "that is they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And part of that is them buying from responsible producers or suppliers , which is looking at the record of the company .
2 Now I think this is a very interesting point because if you go home , and over the next few days do what most people do after course like this , and that is they listen perhaps a little bit to radio , certainly watch some T V and , and think about all these issues , one of the things that will surprise you is that some of the people who are prominent broadcasters are really rather incompetent .
3 These differences are an indication of the unique way in which each individual is responding to the circumstances in which he finds himself and of the state of that person as a whole , that is they show how his healing powers are operating at that time .
4 Basically they do the same job , that is they break down the structure of the hair and reset them with a neutraliser , but are made without animal testing , contain naturally derived ingredients and are biodegradable .
5 Scorpions are viviparous , that is they bring forth living young .
6 The reason for that is they wanted to go ahead and produce the two lights .
7 These technologies could be said to be neo-Fordist — that is they make use of information technologies but within a framework determined in the Fordist era .
8 And the way they do that is they take a sample of your blood and mix it with er agents taking taken from the blood of other people .
9 Leave my handbag alone but you see when it was in the window Jane I thought it looked a bit too light , but I think what makes it look like that is they 've got the light shining
10 If the contractions can not make up their mind about starting or not , that is they come and go and labour is not properly established , take one dose of Pulsatilla 200 every 2 hours until the contractions do make up their mind .
11 Almost all women were in practice put on to piece-work as soon as they had " learnt the case " ( that is they followed the pattern of the male apprentice Chalmers ) .
12 Assemblies in Western liberal democracies are either unicameral or bicameral , that is they consist of one chamber or two .
13 That is they switch off spontaneously even in the presence of the stimulus .
14 In one direction you will see the normal wave movement of the needles knitting , but in the other direction the needles hardly move at all , that is they SLIP ( and , even if you 'd had yarn threaded and stitches on the needles , they would n't have knitted on this row ) .
15 they are less economistic than men , that is they do not only seek more rewards ;
16 Most children who suffer from day wetting have primary enuresis , that is they have never been dry by day .
17 It has erect leaves , usually unspotted , which form a hood at the tip and are keeled — that is they have a hard ridge running along the centre of the underside .
18 Some sociologists argue that they have become proletarianized , that is they have effectively become members of the working class .
19 The court has to consider the child 's welfare as the court 's paramount consideration , and also has to consider the various aspects referred to under section 1(3) , that is they have to consider the wishes of the children , their needs , the likely effects on the children of change , the characteristics of the children , the nature of the harm they have suffered and the capability of the parents or anybody else offering themselves as carers , which would include of course the grandparents in this case .
20 The main function of pecs is to adduct the arms ( adduction is a movement towards the centre-line of the body ) , that is they move the upper arms across the body as in dumb-bell flyes .
21 Prices throughout this economy are fully flexible and competitively determined , that is they move to equate supply and demand , and no individual exerts any significant influence on price .
22 The most important thing to know about them is that they work synergistically with minerals : that is they enhance each other , adding up to more than the individual sum of their parts .
23 Your daffodils seem to be suffering from the problem known as ‘ blindness ’ , that is they produce foliage but even when they do produce buds these remain small and dry out before opening up .
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