Example sentences of "or [verb] away [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yet even the most productive thoughts and even the bravest of responses to the new dimensions of my predicament could not wholly keep the chill out of my bones or push away the icier gloom from above my head .
2 This motive , which became prominent when inquisitorial methods waned and extra-judicial confessions became an important , and in many instances by far the most important , weapon in the prosecution 's armoury , was particularly weighty at a time when the accused could not rebut or explain away the confession by giving evidence on his own behalf .
3 In order to account for women 's lack of autonomy it is not sufficient to think merely in terms of removing a veil , or stripping away the outer layers .
4 Collect them , then blow or shake away the debris , and put seeds in stoppered jars until next spring .
5 For my father would keep the best for himself , to train and breed , and sell or give away the remainder .
6 Make the beds or clear away the breakfast things ? ’
7 In it the poor would have a voice and a share , but would not be able to outweigh or vote away the interests of the propertied and the wealthy .
8 Sort and clean the seeds , removing stems , casings and chaff manually , by sieving or blowing away the debris .
9 Yes , they 're all trained in first aid , erm erm and in the use er we also carry the analgesic gas , now the ones that er nitric oxide which is used in er pregnant mothers for childbirth , they carry some of that now , er which they administer to people in pain and that takes away the pain erm for the time being anyway , until such time as you can extricate them or , or ease the pain or take away the problem away from them that 's causing them the pain .
10 When trading in or throwing away an old " fridge " try to make sure that it is not going to be just broken up without the CFC gas being properly collected first .
11 More than 100 are on duty to keep an eye on the 2,000 clubgoers who nightly dance or drink away the small hours from 11pm to 6am .
12 admitting things like losing fifty billion quid on fluttering on foreign exchanges er Mr did or flittering away the north sea oil revenue in tax cuts for higher earners rather than er keeping that er once in a life time er bonus that this country had for the north sea oil and also you could mention the increased pension for but it did n't match billions that have been wasted on defence expenditure especially defence expenditure and especially the trident programme .
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