Example sentences of "that would have been " in BNC.

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1 So she married quite young then , cos that 'd have been
2 Readers have suggested that it might have been more profitable to give more space to fewer sorts of vegetable , but that would have been something of a soft option .
3 That would have been Salisbury plain ,
4 They could have sent me to prison for two years but that would have been political suicide . ’
5 To know the answer to that would have been really interesting .
6 ‘ I did n't cross them out — that would have been too much like defacing the book , ’ he says .
7 According to Edward Altman , that would have been enough to compensate for an annual default rate of 5–6% — around three times actual default rates — so the returns looked delicious .
8 Of course , much of that would have been done in his lectures , to which the anti-Aristotelian Exercises are an appendix .
9 He preferred more ambiguity and liked the idea of one or other of them sleepwalking accidentally into the other 's room ; that would have been less crude than prior agreements .
10 Not out of the cottage — that would have been pointless , because Doyle barred the way — but back into the kitchen .
11 I could have punished my whoremonger with some disgusting venereal complaint , but that would have been far too simple .
12 I could not have opened it then in any case , for that would have been a physical impossibility — tempting though the picture is of the evil creature on the other side of the door getting a well-deserved spasm of slimy stomach bile heaved right up into his florid and trendily moustachioed face .
13 Now I hardly think that would have been acceptable , either to the people of Britain , let alone to the mining areas , or to some of those
14 I was told by a Milanese , with a wry smile , that it was as well the prophet had not heard of smog , or that would have been included as well .
15 This was done without the knowledge of Napoleon III , who was astonished by the amount and , interestingly , remarked that ‘ half of that would have been more than enough ’ .
16 That would have been a tough one to keep quiet . ’
17 ‘ At one point I thought about stopping , ’ Rasmussen said , ‘ but that would have been a first for me , because I 've never dropped out of a marathon . ’
18 In the sense that myself and another doctor , I think two doctors have to agree that the patient is terminal , and I think that would have been likely ; as a matter of fact , I knew f no one who felt we should push ahead , and he had four or five physicians in different roles dealing with him , so he would have fulfilled the definition of being terminal .
19 that would have been .
20 ‘ I suppose that would have been regarded as subversive by some governments in the bad old days , ’ he said .
21 Unfortunately not , that would have been too clearcut , too unambiguous a crime to cast before a Scottish court .
22 Evidently there was no wording for a civil-law disposition , or that would have been mentioned .
23 That would have been considered vulgar .
24 Allison later told Mark : ‘ My first reaction when you told me about your work was to withdraw , and let you have all the credit , but that would have been Quixotic . ’
25 That would have been easy . ’
26 That would have been really late .
27 To be honest , that would have been very easy to do , because in terms of production they 're very simple records . ’
28 The real reason that I jumped the pond last week was not to escape the E-word , though that would have been cause enough .
29 That would have been sufficient to deprive John Major of a majority and bring down his government .
30 That would have been my main reason for marrying him .
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