Example sentences of "that time [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 Mackie at that time had been unable to conceive and was troubled and unhappy because of it .
2 If the ancient bacteria that lived before that time had been intelligent , they would have recognized it as a very serious pollution .
3 Their supply base had been moved forward to Benghazi , which by that time had been captured by the British , and it was intended to stay out for as long as two months , mounting almost nightly raids .
4 Although the average working week was still forty-eight hours , most men at that time had been reared when toil used to start at six o'clock in the morning and carried on until eight each evening .
5 Our only ‘ machine tool ’ up to that time had been a second-hand pillar drill .
6 Ulam took his idea to Teller who developed and extended it so rapidly that the outlines of a practicable thermonuclear device were complete before the GEORGE shot ( 8 May 1951 ) ; this had been designed as part of the development programme for the classical Super which by that time had been junked .
7 He thought for a moment that time had been operated on .
8 Also , Lister 's discovery of the importance of antisepsis made surgery , which up till that time had been a hazardous technique , a safe procedure , and with the development of anaesthesia , surgery suddenly began to enjoy great popularity as a panacea for many ills .
9 It was not until 1881 that he decided to take a medical degree ; his work up to that time had been in the physiological laboratory under Brücke , where , for six years , he had studied the central nervous system .
10 In the period 1920–6 she brought within her general theory of ideals several theories which until that time had been seen as independent .
11 The southumbrian kingdoms could have developed in any number of directions , three of which in particular seem to stand out : a southern England could have emerged , the domination of which was shared between the Mercians and the South Saxons ( this was the prospect in the reign of Wulfhere if the trends of that time had been maintained ) ; or even a south-eastern England dominated by the South Saxons ( this was perhaps a prospect in late 670s ) ; or a southern England dominated from the reign of Caedwalla by the West Saxons ( the prospect in the mid-680s ) .
12 The intention at that time had been for Ian and myself to return to Uist by the ferry in the afternoon but the weather was so bad that the ferryman decided not to chance his luck in the storm .
13 The fossil finds in Hadar , Ethiopia , from that time have been variously interpreted as indicating either two or a single species with extreme sexual dimorphism ( size difference between males and females ) .
14 Rigoberta Menchu has lived in exile in Mexico for the past 11 years , yet the only weapons she has used in that time have been words .
15 Most of the important Physics that has been done in the laboratory during that time has been profoundly influenced by Sir Charles .
16 The Isle of The Dead is so suffused with sorcerous power that time has been destroyed , and the island exists outside time , beyond the reach of the physical world .
17 Her 40-year career began at Whitby , but nearly all that time has been spent in Teesside hospitals , including senior positions at Middlesbrough General , Poole and North Ormesby .
18 His only acquisition in that time has been full-back Gary Parkinson , currently on-loan from Middlesbrough .
19 In the late tenth century Sigeric archbishop of Canterbury went to Rome to receive his scarf of office , the pallium of lambs ' wool which was the mark of an archbishop ; and this seems at that time to have been an immemorial custom of very recent origin .
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