Example sentences of "that [is] why i " in BNC.

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1 Absolutely , could n't agree more , that s why I was fucking astounded to see the headlines in the sunday papers saying GIGGS BACK TO HIS MAGNIFICENT BEST the little shit did fuck all .
2 I have a feeling its not too different from how Leeds play now , that s why I see him as an excellent ( joint ? )
3 Yes , that s why I said it was a bit worrying before .
4 Perhaps that is why I 'm not all that much attached to being part of a permanent company for too long — I get bored by being around in one place for too long .
5 That is why , wrote Harsnet , I have been preparing myself for that moment for a long time , that is why I have cleared the decks and prepared the ground , because unless the decks are cleared and the g round prepared there is little hope of succeeding in what one has planned to do , little hope of achieving anything of lasting value , though lasting is a relative term and so is value and whatever it is one has planned to do is certain to be altered in the process , which does not of course mean , he wrote , that one can start anywhere at any time .
6 That is why I can not exempt even the smallest flocks selling eggs for human consumption from our strict testing requirements . ’
7 Nor do I believe in deliberately making people poor : that is why I oppose sanctions .
8 Nor do I believe in obstructing democracy : that is why I oppose repression and the state of emergency .
9 You can not influence people without talking to them , and that is why I saw President ( FW ) de Klerk and Mr ( Barend ) du Plessis .
10 That is why I prefer to work from here . ’
11 That is why I said I would ‘ seek to agree ’ with the Chancellor : there is little by way of logical leverage that I could bring to bear upon them .
12 That is why I am asking you now to become a Friend of Save the Children .
13 That is why I am writing to ask for your support .
14 That is why I want Hampshire county council to come forward quickly with fresh proposals on a county-wide basis which have regard to the current regional guidance housing provision figures . ’
15 That is why I keep saying that I am not only interested in our knowing more about our faith but also in our putting more faith into our lives .
16 That is why I should never have delivered up the opening pages of my long-worked novel to that ten-per-cent moron with the art-school mind and barrack-room mouth .
17 That is why I created my own festival in Salzburg each Easter .
18 That is why I share the disquiet now widespread in the party at the speed with which we are being assured the leadership is settled . ’
19 That is why I want to find out , at least as well as I can by watching him , what he is like … .
20 That is why I took it .
21 That is why I side with the scientists and the Fundamentalists of Arkansas against the fake liberals .
22 That is why I can not find it within me to sympathise with the poor punters who once besieged the offices of the Daily Mail demanding their £35,000 in prize money only to find that when the music stopped there were more winners than chairs for them to sit upon .
23 The skilled negotiator , by contrast , reverses the order and gives an explanation first ( ie the reason for being in disagreement ) and finishes by saying something like ‘ and that is why I disagree ’ .
24 That is why I asked earlier if you were interested in the death of King Alexander .
25 That is why I wish to see the Lord Bruce . ’
26 That is why I was put in her household .
27 That is why I began with the hill towns : for they wear so much , so conspicuously , on their face .
28 And that is why I 'll see Greg Martin if it 's the last thing I do . ’
29 That is why I cherish the work of Messrs David Alford and Ted Hynds of the People , who condensed my musings on the subject of my nasal ingestion of the powdered and refined fruits of the coca leaf into the terse , pithy and intriguingly erect motto , ‘ Cocaine And Me , By Funny Man Fry . ’
30 That is why I am here .
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