Example sentences of "that [is] [vb pp] [is] " in BNC.

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1 For semiconductor ‘ disks ’ or fixed-head disks all that is involved is electronic switching , which takes negligible time .
2 Apart from the infiltration of the local anaesthetic , when the patient will feel a prick in the back , less painful than the anaesthetic for dental work , all that is felt is a pressure on the lower spine with occasionally a faint ‘ tingle ’ in one leg which simply signifies that the needle is in the right place .
3 But hope that is seen is not hope .
4 However , each editing process that is undertaken is demanding to the system .
5 Of course , any plan that is made is liable to be disrupted by supervening events , but at least there will be a plan and a more systematic approach to the management of the project .
6 Approaching the fabliaux with a mind prepared to find moral instruction in the texts , however unpromising they might superficially seem to be for such interpretation , is something that we can reconstruct as an authentic medieval mode of reading — " " All that is written is written for our doctrine " " as St Paul has it — although there is little direct evidence for the application of such literary theory to vernacular literature as well as the classics before the fourteenth century , and even then the extent of such application is difficult to assess .
7 All that is recorded is the two chance meetings between Jesus and lepers .
8 That is agreed is n't it ?
9 All that is recommended is that experienced , practising teachers be increasingly involved in the selection process .
10 Sometimes all that is needed is for the smear to be repeated in 6 months or a year .
11 The style must disclose and be expressive of the moods , emotions and actions of the roles played even where few personal feelings are allowed to show , as in such ballets as Ashton 's Monotones where all that is needed is a calm , unhurried and seemingly endless weaving of the dance design in all its dimensions .
12 With a sensitive magnetometer all that is needed is a few turns of enamelled wire reasonably carefully wound onto a piece of plastic drainpipe .
13 A major attraction of dolphin and porpoise hunting is the low operating costs - all that is needed is a harpoon and fuel for the boat .
14 Often the problems are only storms in teacups , and all that is needed is a gentle ‘ sorry ’ , a laugh , a hug , a cup of tea , and all is well .
15 No formal qualifications are required for enrolment and young or old are all potential candidates ; all that is needed is a desire to learn .
16 A wide choice of spectrophotometric methods ( absorbance , reflectance , fluorescence , luminescence ) and geometry ( single optical fibre , bundle , bifurcated fibre ) is feasible ; all that is needed is that the biolayer modulates the light path .
17 Sometimes all that is needed is for the smear to be repeated in 6 months or a year .
18 All that is needed is a cushion and a blindfold .
19 Beware of other people 's false expectations that ‘ all that is needed is lipreading . ’
20 Why not do it and leave it ready the day before , then all that is needed is one minute to set the garter carriage in operation and you will come home to a sleeve which only has to be cast off .
21 All that is needed is for the philosopher 's stone of artistic intention to be applied to them .
22 After an initial recommended strength spray , all that is needed is a ‘ topping up ’ spray every three or four weeks .
23 All that is needed is to specify clearly those occasions when there is a strong danger that directors may be tempted to act in their own self-interest and then to make the shareholders ' consent necessary in those circumstances .
24 all that is needed is just one telephone call each time there is a trip to arrange .
25 All that is needed is an oven .
26 All that is needed is plenty of recall , supplemented perhaps by some memory-tickling research .
27 All that is needed is two alterations to sections 7 and 8 of the current act .
28 For graphics , at least simple bit-mapped or paint-type ones , all that is needed is extra memory ; an A4 page of graphics requires at least 1M of memory .
29 All that is needed is a pool-liner that is larger in one dimension than necessary for the pool envisaged .
30 Ail that is needed is to throw an oncoming punch off course .
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